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Acai berry the super berry: Why you need more of this delicious fruit



Acai berries are native to the South American region extending from Belize in the south to Peru and Brazil in the north. It is a dark purple colored berry that has become extremely popular for its weight reduction capabilities. This highly nutritious berry is rich in fiber, vitamin B, minerals, protein, oleic acid and omega-3 fatty acids, making it a super berry. Acai berries can be used in their natural form or can be had in the form of capsules and juices.

Rich in antioxidants

Studies reveal that the pulp of the acai berry is extremely rich in antioxidants which exceeds the content that you get from other berries like blueberry, cranberry, strawberry and many more. It is estimated that a human being needs at least 2,000 units of ORAC (a measurement of antioxidants) on a daily basis due to the free radicals and reactive oxygen that we take in. Acai berry is extremely high on the ORAC scale and provides multiple times more of this nutrient than other fruits and veggies that are rich in anthocyanin (an antioxidant). Acai also has 30 times more anthocyanins than what is found in red wine and has the capacity of ridding the body of toxins in a very short period of time. Within two hours of consuming acai, the antioxidants inside this super berry start working and detoxifying your body from harmful toxins. This detoxification helps to strengthen your immune system as well.

Boosts weight loss

Weight loss is perhaps one of the most talked about qualities of acai at present and has given the status of superfood to this fruit. A lot of research supports the fact that acai berries are rich in antioxidants which help in promoting weight loss. However, there are still studies and debate going on whether acai can solely be credited with the ability to shed pounds altogether. Many people claim to have experienced unbelievable results in their body with a reduction in their appetite while maintaining a high energy level. This has boosted their metabolism so that they can lose their weight in lesser time with a tendency to not put on more weight.

Rich in phytonutrients

Acai berries are rich in phytonutrients such as anthocyanins which are compounds that can free the body from harmful free radicals. Anthocyanins have a reputation to free a person from heart disease and that is perhaps why the French have a very low heart disease rate despite their not-so-healthy diets because of their intake of red wine. The Acai berry has been found to contain a high level of anthocyanins that is many times as the quantity found in red wine. These phytonutrients in the acai berry, like cyanidin-3-glucoside and epi-catechin, flavonoids and quercetin derivatives are sufficient to maintain a healthy functioning of the organs and body systems.


Rich in proteins and calcium

Acai berry has more protein than what is contained in an egg. Protein is the most important component of our body tissues, hormones, organs and muscles. It is also important for the development of our skin, nails and hair. Therefore, acai berry would be a great source of protein for vegetarians as the pulp and the juice of the berry are extremely rich in protein. The acai berry juice contains glucosamine which is an important element in cushioning joints and maintaining body tissue. Apart from protein, the building blocks of life, acai juice also contains a good amount of calcium for strengthening our bones and can effectively prevent osteoporosis.

Improves cardiovascular health

Another main health issue that acai berries cover is cardiovascular health. The juice of this berry can help in getting rid of high blood pressure, hypertension and high cholesterol. Acai effectively improves the power of the body to digest food properly, hence, less of it converts into fat. Heart diseases are increasingly related to a person’s lifestyle which involves the intake of processed foods and lack of exercise. Acai berry improves the body’s metabolism and helps a person to shed excess weight, which improves the heart’s functioning. Acai berry supplements are also very effective in combating heart problems. Acai consumption also improves concentration and mental clarity because of a better blood flow and heart function. Acai berry also effectively reduces cholesterol levels over a certain period of time.


Anti aging properties

Another reason for the growing popularity of the acai berry are its anti-aging and health properties that can keep you youthful and vibrant for a long time. Acai helps in increasing energy levels and enhances sexual performance, which is related to youthfulness. Acai also has the high antioxidant capacity and therefore it rids your body of harmful toxins that offset aging. Acai juice is also rich in vitamin E which helps in regenerating tissues. The phytosterols and anthocyanins in acai help is reducing the skin from eroding of its protective coating and collagen. However, debates are still going on about the claims of longevity and anti-aging properties. Nevertheless, acai berry is known as a powerful anti-aging superfood due to its richness in antioxidants and phytonutrients.

Increases energy and boosts metabolism

Acai effectively increases your energy levels and helps you to thrive on lesser food. Most of us feel drained due to our active and demanding lifestyles. A lot of work, stress and sleep deprivation result in a cocktail of medical conditions. The acai berry is great for invigorating the body, improving digestion, improving sleep and providing you more energy throughout the day. A lot of people claim that the intake of acai has helped them to reduce their overall appetite and has energized them all the more. Acai also boosts the metabolism of a person which also prevents obesity and weight issues that breed more lifestyle diseases.

Improves blood circulation

Another great aspect of the acai berry is that it helps in improving the circulation of blood. Some people experience a poor circulation of blood owing to clotting, heart problems and so on. A good blood flow helps your body to keep off many serious medical conditions and also helps you to live longer. The acai berry juice contains polyphenols which are antioxidants that help to protect the heart by increasing the production of nitric oxide in endothelial cells. It is nitric oxide that helps the blood vessels to expand and relax and places less stress on the heart by improving the blood flow.

Boosts sex drive

Acai berry is also known the Viagra of the Amazon as some researches are proving that it benefits sexual health as well. The Amazonian people regard the acai as a natural aphrodisiac. Acai helps to inc
rease energy levels and also contains good fatty acids that help the body to produce estrogen and testosterone, which increase sexual desires as well as fertility. It is also prescribed for people who are impotent or who cannot conceive. Acai berry improves a person’s mental state which further improves the sex drive.

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