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11 Miraculous health benefits of drinking wheatgrass juice

Grass Juice


Wheatgrass (Triticum aestivum) is the young grass of the wheat that grows abundantly in temperate regions, and can be easily grown at home in pots either indoor or outdoor. Wheatgrass juice is often referred to as ‘liquid sunshine’ owing to its high level of chlorophyll (around 70%), the green pigment that converts the solar energy into essential nutrients and thus gaining a lot of popularity for its several health benefits. Researchers believe that a cup of fresh wheatgrass juice builds the immune system, detoxifies the body, purifies blood and supports optimal weight management. Alternate medicine practitioners use wheatgrass juice to treat everything from as small as tooth decay, to diabetes or even various forms of cancer. Wheatgrass is an excellent source of antioxidants, protein, vitamins A, B12 and E, calcium, selenium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, cobalt, sulfur, zinc and iron. A single ounce of wheatgrass juice is said to be equivalent to the vitamin and mineral content of one ounce of fresh veggies, making it an ultimate superfood. Even celebrities like the gorgeous Angeline Jolie are believed to drink this miracle juice every day. Consuming just an ounce or two of fresh wheatgrass juice each day can have a wide variety of healing effects on your body. Now, take a look at some of the most amazing health benefits from drinking wheatgrass juice below.

Prevents anemia

Wheatgrass has a high level of iron content in its green pigment chlorophyll, which helps the body to increase and activate its red blood cells and rebuild the blood stream. These red blood cells are the ones responsible to supply fresh oxygen to the body and prevent anemia. Research shows that when chlorophyll was administered to various animals that were severely anemic, their red blood cell count returned to normal range in just 4 to 5 days. Moreover, the administration of chlorophyll did not produce any toxic reactions in the animals, making it a really safe option to improve red blood cell count and fight anemia.

Works as an energizer

Wheatgrass juice will make you feel refreshed and energetic all day, thanks to its incredible nutrient-rich content. As soon as you drink the juice, it is absorbed by the bloodstream to give you an instant energy boost. The nutrition of two ounces of fresh wheatgrass juice is equivalent to the nutrition of three pounds of vegetables and fruits. Even two strong cups of coffee cannot beat the remarkable amount of energy and vitality a single serve (2 ounces) of wheatgrass juice can give you. If you are suffering from long-term fatigue, consuming wheatgrass juice every day will restore your stamina. Remember, wheatgrass is not a stimulant, but a superfood loaded with essential nutrients.

Eliminates bad breath and strong body odors

The chlorophyll in wheatgrass juice has potent deodorizing and germ-killing properties. That is the reason why products such as chewing gum and breath fresheners have chlorophyll as a key ingredient. Drinking a glass of wheatgrass juice will help eliminate strong odors such as smell of tobacco, garlic, bad breadth, etc. It also effectively masks the unpleasant body odors arising out of heavy perspiration due to workout. Odors causing bacteria need an anaerobic atmosphere to survive, but the chlorophyll in wheatgrass counteracts by producing ample oxygen and thus destroying those harmful germs. For a fresh and clean breath, gargling a couple of times before swallowing the juice will work better. Remember to repeat this process every day to prevent bad breath and body odor forever.

Works as a body builder

Wheatgrass juice is said to contain a rich repository of amino acids, the building blocks of protein that is so fundamental to body builders. This green juice is reported to consist of nearly 50% protein (that is almost thrice as that of beef) to stimulate healthy tissue growth. Wheatgrass juice’s main component chlorophyll is an important body builder. Even the molecular structure of chlorophyll and hemin molecule, the pigment that fuses with protein to form hemoglobin, which is essential for tissue and muscle development, is so similar. So, instead of reaching for those dubious animal protein powder shakes, reach for this amazing juice for healthy and effective bodybuilding.


Reduces the risk of developing cancer

The chlorophyll pigment in wheatgrass juice is extremely high in beta-carotene, an active anti-cancer substance. Dr. Chiu-nan Lai at the University of Texas has discovered that chlorophyll is an effective inhibitor of carcinogens’ metabolism through the Ames Bacterial Mutagenicity experiment, thereby significantly reducing the chances of developing cancer. A two decade study of over 20,000 workers of a telephone company has proven that a diet high in beta carotene has the potential to negate the harmful effects of nearly 30 years of smoking. Moreover, research by the National Cancer Institute points out that there are around 40% less chances of developing cancer when a diet rich in beta carotene such as wheatgrass juice is consumed regularly.

Stops the growth of harmful microbes

Science has proven that chlorophyll has a strong potential to prevent growth and development of harmful bacteria, viruses and yeast. Hence, wheatgrass juice with 70% chlorophyll creates an unfavorable environment for harmful microbes, which inhibits their survival instead of any direct attack upon the microbes themselves, giving the body an opportunity to heal by itself naturally. On the other hand, drinking wheatgrass juice restores the normal pH levels in our body to encourage the growth and development of beneficial bacteria, in order to ensure an optimal balance of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ bacteria in our system.

Acts as a cleanser

Consumption of wheatgrass juice regularly helps the body to detoxify the lymphatic system, by clearing away the mucous, lymph and other toxins that have been collected there over a period of time. Chlorophyll in this wonder juice is a powerful detox agent, helping the liver to effectively remove toxic substances such as mercury, lead, copper or cadmium that may have collected in the body. Wheatgrass juice also helps to flush out encrustations and fecal matter in the intestines and colon, to maintain a healthy system. Since this juice is a highly powerful detox cleanser, some people experience a mild nausea for the first couple of times. This is because chlorophyll in the wheatgrass juice pushes the toxins stored inside the cells into the bloodstream, where they will be removed eventually. For the first week, drink one ounce of wheatgrass juice daily and later on you can increase it to two ounces. Make sure to drink this green juice on an empty stomach for best results.

Regulates blood sugar levels

The potential to regulate blood sugar levels make the wheatgrass juice an incredible drink for diabetics. When consumed on an empty stomach, the high fiber content in wheatgrass controls the absorption of sugar and cholesterol from food into the bloodstream, preventing a sudden hike in blood sugar levels experienced by diabetics post a meal. Magnesium, an important constituent of wheatgrass juice is known to support insulin sensitivity. Numerous studies have shown that magnesium plays a key role in delaying the symptoms of type 2 diabetes, and in ruling out its serious complications such as cardiovascular disease, nephropathy and retinopathy. The other nutrients in wheatgrass juice support the overall health of diabetic patients.


Builds immunity

Wheatgrass juice strengthens the immune system to fight infections better, by its large quantity of beta carotene and other related carotenoids. This miracle green juice remains one of the best natural sources of essential amino acids, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals iron and folic acid to guarantee sure shot immunity against all infections. Studies show that the irritating symptoms of common cold cleared up within a day, among people who regularly consumed wheatgrass juice. Do not forget to drink at least one ounce or up to two ounces of wheatgrass juice daily to build a strong immune system.


Fights tooth decay

Save yourself from frequent visits to the dentist, by drinking a cup of wheatgrass juice regularly. Being an effective antibiotic, wheatgrass juice fights tooth decay, stops toothache, heals bleeding gums and cures pyorrhea (infection of tooth sockets) by removing toxins and germs from your mouth naturally. Wheatgrass juice also helps in preventing the infection from spreading to other parts of your mouth, and speedens the recovery time. Remember to hold a small quantity of this green juice in your mouth for around 5 minutes for it to show effect, before swallowing the drink. You can also use the wheatgrass juice as a mouthwash to gargle twice a day for optimum results.


Supports weight control

Controlling your weight and maintaining it at the recommended level is easily possible with wheatgrass juice. Since it has a fiber rich content, it makes you feel ‘full’ longer between meals. Because wheatgrass provides complete nutrition to the body, including 92 of the 102 minerals found naturally in soil and every vitamin known to science, people do not experience any cravings for sugar or chocolate. Most of these cravings are due to the lack of essential minerals, especially magnesium, which is found abundantly in fresh wheatgrass juice. So, make sure to drink your favorite wheatgrass juice daily to meet your fitness goals faster and better.

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