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10 Yoga Asanas To Heal Muscle Cramps

10 yoga asana to heal muscle cramps

Muscle cramps are painful, involuntary contraction of the skeletal muscles. There are many conditions which can result in this spasmodic pain. Like narrowing of blood vessels, poor blood circulation, insufficient stretches before exercise, muscle fatigue, overexertion, malfunctioning nerves etc. This can occur anytime and anywhere. Muscle cramps are found to be very common among athletes, marathon runner and cyclists. Yoga is a self care measure which can be performed on regular basis to ease you from cramps.

Here is a list of 10 yoga asanas that heal muscle cramps.

1. Tadasana Samasthith (Steady and firm mountain pose)

10 yoga asana to heal muscle cramps

This asana is the starting point of many asanas and provides relaxation from stiffness of muscles. This asana also enhances blood flow and increases alertness.
a. Stand tall with inner edges of the feet together on a flat surface.
b. Stretch your arms along the sides of your thigh with palms facing inside and fingertips pointing to the floor.
c. Stretch your neck upward, pull in your abdomen and lift the chest.
d. Tighten the kneecaps and distribute your body weight evenly on the edges of feet.
e. Breathe evenly and hold on the pose for 30-60 seconds.

2. Tadasana Urdhava Hastasana (Mountain pose with arms stretched up)

10 yoga asana to heal muscle cramps

This is a variation on the first pose with the arms stretched up. It relaxes the arms, shoulder joints, wrists, knuckles and fingers.
a. Stand in the Tadasana position shown above.
b. Exhale and stretch your arms up to the shoulder level. Keep the palms open and facing each other.
c. Now raise the arms above the head but keep them perpendicular to the floor.
d. Stretch your wrist and fingers.
e. Now push the shoulder blades into the body.
f. Further stretch your arms, wrists and fingers towards the ceiling. Feel the pull on both sides of the body.
g. Hold this pose for 20-30 seconds.

3. Tadasana Urdhva Baddha Hastasana (Mountain pose with fingers interlocked)

10 yoga asana to heal muscle cramps

This asana will make us feel the energy flow from the feet to the knuckles.
a. Stand in the Tadasana pose.
b. Bring your arm towards your chest and interlock your fingers. The left lower finger should be above the right lower finger.
c. Turn the palm inside out. Now exhale and bring your arm to the shoulder level.
d. Now inhale and raise your arms above the head. Make your arms perpendicular to the floor.
e. Hold this pose for 20-30 seconds.

4. Tadasna Paschima Namaskara (Mountain pose with hands folded behind the back)

10 yoga asana to heal muscle cramps

This standing asana in form of Indian salutation relaxes the whole body.
a. Stand in the Tadasana pose.
b. Take your arms behind your back and join the fingertips pointing towards the ground.
c. Now rotate your wrist and take your elbows back. So that the fingers are pointing upwards.
d. Press the palms against each other.
e. Stretch your upper arms and chest by pushing the elbows down.
f. Hold the pose for 30-60 seconds.

5. Tadasana Gomukhasana ( Mountain pose with hands held in form of cow’s face)

10 yoga asana to heal muscle cramps

This is very useful for the muscles of the back and the shoulders. It relieves you from arthritis of shoulders , elbows, wrists and fingers.
a. Stand in the Tadasana pose.
b. Take your left arm back and place the palm on middle of the back.
c. Raise the right arm, bend you elbow and keep the palm facing the body.
d. Place the right palm above the left one and interlink the fingers.
e. Stretch you right elbow and arm.
f. Hold the pose for 20-30 seconds.

6. Tadasna Paschima Baddha Namaskara (Mountain pose with bound arms)

10 yoga asana to heal muscle cramps

This mountain pose involves a position with arms bonded behind the back. It is very effective in rejuvenating muscles.
a. Stand in the Tadasana pose.
b. Take both your arms behind the back, right above the left.
c. Hold your right hand just above the elbow with your left wrist and vice versa.
d. Hold the position for 30-60 seconds.

7. Utthitha Trikonasana (Extended triangle pose)

10 yoga asana to heal muscle cramps

This asana provides strength to the spine and relieves backache. It also reduces stiffness in the neck, shoulders and knee. Please consult an instructor before attempting it since it requires specialist guidance.

8. Utthitha Parsvakonasana (Intense side stretch)

10 yoga asana to heal muscle cramps

This asana is responsible for reduce fatigue and provides energy to the muscles. Please take proper guidance from a yoga specialist.

9. Ardha Chandrasana (Half moon pose)

10 yoga asana to heal muscle cramps

It provides energy and rejuvenates the muscles of the back. Please perform this asana, atleast initially, under supervision.

10. Parsarita Padottanasana (Intense leg stretch)

10 yoga asana to heal muscle cramps

This leg stretch is helpful to remove stiffness of muscles. It also provides tranquility and mental peace. Please take proper guidance while performing this asana.

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