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Is a receding hairline worrying you?

Is Receding Hairline Worrying You?

The cause for baldness is a question that has riddled men for years. Male pattern baldness, also called as Androgenetic Alopecia is the most general form of hair loss in men. It is a pattern of receding hairline and thinning of hair on the crown. Men suffering from baldness feel anxious, old, out dated and there is a loss of confidence in them. But you don’t need to be so worried, as it is common and can be treated. If you start to lose hair suddenly then it can be an early symptom for certain health risk. In this case, you require a diagnosis.

Causes of Male Pattern Hair Loss

1. Effect of genes and hormones on hair follicle
The testosterone hormone in men is sometimes converted to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) by an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase. This DHT has adverse affect on hair follicles. It slows down the hair production, producing short and weak hair. Sometimes, it stops hair growth completely. Men who are genetically susceptible to male pattern baldness have high level of the 5-alpha reductase. Cases have also been seen of baldness in men suffering from thyroid disease with overactive or underactive thyroid glands.

2. Calcium deposition on scalp
The deposition of calcium blocks the pores on your head and prevents it from growing.

3. Drug induced hair loss
Certain medication and drugs have an unwanted side effect of hair loss in men. Drug interferes with the normal hair growth cycle. The degree of baldness depends on the type of drug and dosage. Hair loss appears within 2–3 months of taking the drugs. For example, anti-depressants, steroids, thyroid medication, cholesterol controlling and anti-clotting drugs can have this effect. Certain drugs can induce hair loss within a few days to few weeks. This is mostly with chemotherapy medication.

4. Stress
Stress can lead to baldness in men. When a man is stressed out, his body releases certain chemical stress hormones. These hormones distress the normal body functions, specifically the hair production. Dull hair and waxy strands are one of the early symptoms.

5. Poor diet
Junk food is enjoyed by everyone. But, excessive consumption of carbonated and sugary drinks, fat rich food like burgers, cheese, pastries, french fries, and red meat etc can increase the hair loss. This is because these foods can influence hormone production and balance, which is undeniably linked to baldness in men.

6. Smoking
Men who smoke are more likely to experience baldness as compared to those who don’t smoke. This could be because nicotine can affect DNA of the hair follicles connected with hair growth.

Treatment for Male Pattern Baldness

There are many scientifically proven and approved treatments available. But, you should always go for a prior consultation with your doctor or dermatologist.

1. Rogaine
Rogaine is a topical medication available in many different preparations. It can be used on the crown and frontal area of the head. It is most effective when used once or twice daily. More than helping in regaining hair, it holds onto what is already there. The biggest drawback is the continuation of hair fall once the usage is stopped.

2. Propecia
Propecia is an FDA proven drug to be used only by men suffering from male pattern baldness. It is responsible for growth and thickening of hair but mostly in maintaining what is already left. It is an inhibitor for the enzyme 5-alpha reductase, which is responsible for hair loss.

3. Hair transplant
A surgical approach to hair restoration is the only permanent solution for hair loss. In this method, hair from the back of head is taken and grafted on the area of hair loss. This produces very attractive natural results in men. But these sessions can be very time consuming and expensive. There are two main ways in which it is performed, i.e., strip excision and follicular unit extraction.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is hair transplant safe?
There are many minor and temporary side effects associated with hair transplant. These need to be considered before opting for any restoration surgeries.

2. What are the side effects of Propecia?
Studies have shown that the side effects of propecia are uncommon and do not occur in all men. There can be mild allergic reactions like rashes, swelling of face and lips, and problems in ejaculation. Speak to your doctor if you suffer from any of these side effects.

3. Are there any preventive measures for male pattern baldness?
You cannot prevent it but there are methods to minimize the overall effect. Be gentle with your hair, avoid too many hairstyles using abrasive products, and maintain a healthy diet.

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