Hightail is a tool that has now made it simpler to exchange files and folders with any of your connections in a safe and secure way. This app suite can make work easier per varied requirements of businesspersons.
The Hightail app suite supports the online sharing and storage of files and folders through a variety of features. To ensure the safety of file exchange, there are helpful features like file tracking and password protection and identity verification.
The entire suite also has apps like Hightail Express and Hightail Outlook to support the online transfer of large attachments. You do not need to login or use a browser to do this. Additionally, there are drag and drop features to access and manage files and folders.
Files up to 10 GB can comfortably be sent from your mobile or desktop computer using the Hightail tool. It also allows you to sign documents instantly and resend them in an efficient manner. This tool offers an app for every device, whether it is your iPhone, Android device or Outlook mailbox.
Thus, it enables you to send files using tablets, mobiles and desktop computers too. For downloading Hightail Outlook app, users should have its 2007, 2010 or 2013 version. It also requires Windows Vista or higher. Apart from this, you may access files from any of your favorite software. The tool offers unlimited storage capacity for smooth working.
Ease of use
Hightail is an easy and reliable way to exchange work with other users connected to you. You may not only send and receive files, but may also edit them while working in coordination with each other. It is simple to use any of your devices to access a shared file and update it from your location.
Hightail is a great way to share work with your business colleagues and team members. It is a wonderful tool to exchange files and folders with anyone from any location and from any device. There are also useful apps offered according to the needs of individual professionals and corporate groups operating in any industry.
Value for money
Hightail app is available at reasonable prices per every user’s requirements. While its Lite version is free to download, its Professional version can be purchased for around $160 per year. On the other hand, its Teams version is available for a team of 2-10 persons at a price of around $250 per year and per user. Its Enterprise version is customizable per client needs.