Fitness and wellness apps for 2015

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At New Year, everyone sets a resolution to get healthier but only a few kept their resolution. According to a survey, 41% people kept their resolution for getting healthy but many of you want to keep your resolution and we are going to make this easier for you. There are 12 Android and iOS apps designed to make you run, sweet, eat right and avoid illness.



You can use this technique as a game like completing points, leveling up and social pressure. The app connects you to other “Fitocrats” so you and support and challenge each other. It gives you many suggestions for exercising. While workout you can use tracker to record your reps and activities. It synchronizes with RunKeeper and perfect for gym rats.



It display you information regarding the food you eat. It has a barcode scanner, which shows the information regarding food that you would not be able to learn from label. You can keep a track of consumed food also of your owned prepared meals. This is a free app and with many useful features such as personalizing your food choices. It just requires a plan of $5 for three months, for one year, it is $15.


Dr Prem Tech and Web Services


HealthyOut, a guide contains information about various restaurant dishes makes it easier to you for sticking to a diet plan. Set your preferences for meal then you can locate cuisine that meets your preferences. It will also help you to find how to make your food healthier such as you can request brown rice and light oil.

Hot5 Fitness

Hot5 Fitness

Hot5 fitness app from Hot5 Inc. it provides varieties of programs such as yoga, cardio, and muscle strength. You can try preset exercises or create your own. Hot5 has synchronization with MyFitnessPal that lets you access calories consumed. You must notice that some exercises needs equipments such as a yoga mat or stability ball.

The Johnson & Johnson

The Johnson & Johnson workout

Johnson & Johnson has an app with seven minutes steps that you need to follow to keep yourself fit. This 7 minutes workout steps you through high-intensity aerobic workout using just your body weight, a chair, and a wall. According to some reviews, seven-minute workout can produce efficient result than that of running for hours.


These fitness and wellness app will people getting to fit. You can plan your diet in healthy way and these are less time consuming and give better results.

Dr Prem Tech and Web Services
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