Criminals are smart and they can surely know how to get away. The growing concerns of crime and terrorism are not hidden from us. What makes it even more worse is that we cannot easily track the people behind the crimes. Well it looks like the days of criminals and terrorists are over. This is because of the breakthrough technology that uses a small sample like a strand of hair or a drop of blood to give you the results. This DNA technology can help officials to understand how the person may possibly look like just by analyzing the DNA sample.
Parabon Snapshot will lead the path
Parabon Snapshot is the name given to this innovative DNA technology, which can give any crime a face just by tracing the DNA samples. Weather it is a petty thief, an anonymous one, or even a terrorist, this technology can indeed do the unbelievable. The days of sitting down and brainstorming will soon be gone as government officials will get to know exactly how the person looks.
Help in military operation to crack down terrorists
Not only that, even in war zones, this technology can prove to be helpful since the concerned officials can get to know where the strongest network of terrorists are and how they look. This will help in putting an end to terrorism. This technology will come in handy as a person will also get to know about the brains behind the attack. It will not only tell you who the bomber was but also let you know the possible network responsible for making the bomb or the hands behind the making of the bomb.
So how does the image really look like?
With the help of the DNA technology and Snapshot, the necessary predictions can be made regarding the face of the criminal. From the hair color to the eyes, even the nose, lips and the shape of the face. It gives you a full replica of the person’s appearance, his biogeographic ancestry and the place of his origin.
The working ways of this technology
The DNA sample that is provided is used by Parabon Snapshot to replicate the face of the person in question. To get this face, the DNA samples are reversely engineered so that the analysis can be made to get an image of the person. The reason why this is possible is that the DNA sample carries the different traces of the person like their physical appearance, inborn diseases etc. By reading the different kinds of genetic variants or genotypes, an image is formed of the person who is behind a particular attack.
A success tool that can be used for tough or hidden crimes
When you have a face of a criminal, you at least know which direction you have to go. But when there is a crime where there is no face, it is shooting in the blind. Law officials can easily use this technology not just to track down criminals but also to solve the most complicated cases. Every year, so many cases are closed without any result.
The criminal is still out in the open or is left free since there is no strong evidence. The DNA technology gives the law enforcements a chance to solve the crimes easily and to submit the necessary proof in court to make sure that no one can question them. This clearly means that no criminals will be left loose if he or she is responsible for the crime. Due to lack of evidence, there are many heart breaking murder cases that go unsolved or do not get the necessary justice.
Justice will be served in one way or the other
Well this technology will surely give law officials a chance to build a solid case against the person and ensure that justice is served. Finally, the innocent can be free from any kind of injustice and the person or people who did wrong will be shown their right place. If this happens, crime and terrorism can be truly wiped out from the face of the earth and innocent lives can finally roam free.