Adverse Effects of Technology

Grow with Dr Prem

Technological Items that should be totally discarded!

Technology has come a long way over the ages. From a simple wheel to a mobile phone, everything can be attributed to technology. Technology is one of the best things to have happened to mankind. However, just like there are positives and negatives to everything else, so there are to technology.  A large number of technological products do more harm than good to mankind. To the extent that the world would have been a better place without these. Here is a list of few gadgets that should go down the dustbin right away.


Mobile phone

Alright, it is great and everything. It can solve a lot of problems and has saved many lives as well. Yet, do we really need it? Isn’t it taking our lives away from us? People spend most of their time with mobile phones rather than with friends and family. This is the sad truth of today’s generation. People should try living a life without the phone and see how peaceful it is. You will soon start thinking whether it is a boon or a curse to carry that phone. Sure, with the apps and all, it is hard to imagine a life without the mobile phone. Yet, life existed peacefully before the mobile was invented.


Battery Operated Solar Car

Dr Prem Tech and Web Services

O.k. so this sounds idealistic and all but it is the most impractical thing someone would come up with. For, these cars don’t go along for more than a kilometre and have to be charged repeatedly. It is a real disaster to invest into one of these. The world would definitely be better off without these cars.


Technologically Enhanced Clothes

Clothes that are stain free or absorb heat to keep the body warm or perform any function with the help of technology should definitely be done away with. Only a robot should be wearing clothes that perform technical functions. They should definitely be taken off human beings. They are just not meant for them. Moreover, clothes are worn for fashion and comfort and not for performing techie functions.


Massager Slippers

So, you just bought great slippers that gives acupressure while you walk? Really? May be you should think again. These slippers are made in such way that they poke needles in the feet. They are going to trouble you a lot on the pretext of acupressure. It is best that these slippers be avoided altogether.

Those were the technological items that ought not to have been created ever.

Summary – Article is about how life would have been a lot better without a few gadgets. However, these gadgets are a part of life now.

Dr Prem Tech and Web Services
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