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Ideas for a Moroccan-themed bedroom

Moroccan themed bedroom

The Moroccan furniture and décor have gained a huge popularity in the western world due to their exquisite designs and the new meaning they add to your living space. The elegantly designed walls, tiles and curtains made of silk produce a sensual feeling combined with spiritual ecstasy. If you are among ones who want to try out new and elegant decors, here are some tips that would help you design your own Moroccan themed bedroom.

Rational choice of colors

This is very important in designing a bedroom. This is the place where one would like to relax after a tiring day. A light colored wall gives a soothing effect and creates a relaxing atmosphere. Natural colors such as saffron and turmeric can also be chosen if you wish to give your bedroom an antique touch. On the other hand, if you want to try out of convention, you have bright colors to choose from which range from deep red, blue to spicy colors. Choose smoky shades or warm red color if you want to create a romantic atmosphere.

Concentrate on the ceilings

Most of us or rather all of us just paint the ceiling in white color and leave them just plain. But, designing a Moroccan themed bedroom means a unique thought to the creative side of your brain. So remember, they need to be decorated too. Choose a color that would go with the one painted on your walls. Contrast colors too help bring a good effect. But at the same time, ensure you do not overdo things by combining too many bright and contrasted colors as this could spoil the effect which you desire.

The window effect

This is another major area that needs to be worked on. Choose dark or smoky shades for the window frame. Curtains for the windows must be chosen with care. Silky and red color curtains could be a very good choice to add to the ecstasy. Do not choose a heavy curtain material. The fabric must be light weighted and flowy to allow the circulation of air and light. Lighter shades to match the walls or pleasant colors such as light orange, blue, golden color can be the good choices.

Furniture requirements

As Moroccan furniture come in dark shades, furniture in the bedroom needs to be dark as well. Morocco being a trading hub by itself, you can also choose African style furniture to have the same effect as Moroccan style. If you feel, the furniture which you already have suits the theme you desire; you can have them as well. But ensure the painting on the furniture has a darker shade. Also, take care the furniture is just optimum and the size and design of the furniture match the size of your bedroom. Neatly carved furnishings add further beauty to your Moroccan themed bedroom.


Little things can make a big difference. Apart from the tips mentioned above, a few tips on choosing accessories are mentioned to add further meaning to your theme.

Carpets: To give your bedroom a luxurious look, choose carpets with heavy designs and the ones having extensive work on it.

Lamps and lighting: Lamps and lighting are very important to create the effect you plan. Lamps made of fabric or paper can give a new look to your bedroom.

Candles: Candles can go a long way to create a romantic effect. Candles of varying shapes, sizes and fragrances can help add more flavor to you bedroom.

Bedding: This is the most important of all. The bed sheets, covers and pillows must match the walls. Warm red, golden color helps create a soothing effect. Arrange the cushions and pillows in a proper manner to give your bedroom a neat look.

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