
Breastfeeding is an important part of a baby’s development and has a number of health benefits. From preventing any illnesses to reducing medical costs, breastfeeding is good for both, the baby as well as the mother. But at a certain […]


Rare is the sight of a 3-year-old that is happy about getting a shot. Almost all doctor visits till the child turns four will be accompanied by a shot. Vaccines protect your little one from germs and boost their immune


Given the kind of lifestyle that we live, our kids have a pretty high chance of falling for the same sedentary lifestyle. Our days are filled with activities that have little to no physical involvement, and so are our children’s.

Child Love Sport

A new child in the house can trigger feelings of love, compassion and protection in the first-born older child, or may even cause the former to feel jealous and insecure. How many times have you heard of instances of the


Every parent’s biggest concern is the education of his or her children. This is why; they do not mind spending money on the fees and other educational needs of the child. As much as it is important for a child

So you have finally decided to adopt a child and become a foster parent. However, how do you go about becoming one? What are the necessary steps and procedures you would need to follow to bring home your bundle of

foster parent

Seeking parenting advice is not all that easy. A wide assortment of websites, books, magazines, etc offer parenting tips and it becomes pretty bewildering to narrow down the options and choose the best from the rest. Therefore, to make it

tips on child discipline

With just the name of the word exam, people go into stress and a fear of studies. It happens with children during their exam fever, and on that time, their most important stress busters are their parents. Emotionally and mentally,

Exam fever

When we come to identify parenting styles, then we distinctly find two categories of parents- the intimidator and the encourager.  The latter makes use of punishments as a strategy for parenting in order to get the child to understand the

discipline your child

Custodial parent is a parent who gets the legal right to take full time care of the child and with whom the child resides. Being a custodial parent involves many responsibilities. If you are the custodial parent then the child’s

role of a custodial parent in the life of a child
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