DIY Green Guide

Chase away pesky bugs and light up your backyard with these amazing Tiki torches you can make by yourself. They can be fashioned out of things you have right at home. Bring a magical, warm fiery glow to your backyard, […]

DIY Tiki torch ideas     

We all have old pairs of sneakers that we love the most. It may be because of its comfort factor or because it is a gift from someone, you love. Over time, it is natural that it starts to lose


Popping bubble wrap is so tempting to kids (and adults)! It’s invariably used when you’re moving or if you want to protect a valuable item. It’s a welcome distraction for kids as they can keep popping for hours. Bubble wrap


Most schools and colleges have lockers that are provided to students. Students are not only responsible for their stuff but can also use their lockers to keep their important things. While most of the time, you do find students pasting


Furniture is what creates a style statement in our homes. It has become absolutely necessary to have at least a few pieces of furniture in a home in order to lead a comfortable life. However, recent developments towards adopting an

Cardboard Rocking Chair

There tends to be some confusion regarding recycling and upcycling. Upcycling refers to repurposing old household items in their original state while recycling refers to processing these materials to produce new items. Upcycling can help you reduce your carbon footprint

Old Wine Barrel Repurposed as Coffee Table

Who said being energy conscious at home came with a price? There are many ways in which you can harness energy for free in and around your house. Simple to create, operate and maintain, these DIY home energy projects will

DIY Solar Based Bulb

Thinking of building your own fermentation device at home? Then here are some tips that can be of help to you in the process of getting it done the right way. A fermentation device is great for brewing high quality

Under tremendous pressure of rapidly increasing, unending requirement of electricity, researchers are leaving no stone unturned to enhance efficiency of commercially available solar cells. Solar energy is the most promising solution to both the energy need and climate change.

DIY solar cell

Have a couple of pillows lying around in your home? Here’s a really nifty way in which you can reuse these old sweaters in your home itself. While there are some really cool ways in which you can repurpose an

recycling a sweater into a couch pillow
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