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Awesome Ideas

How to Improve Your Lifestyle with Minor Tweaks Making small changes to your lifestyle can significantly impact your overall well-being. This article will discuss some easy ways to improve your lifestyle without making significant changes. By making these simple adjustments, […]

Improve Your Lifestyle

Usually, when you get invited for a housewarming party, you carry a bouquet of flowers, or a bottle of perfume with you as a housewarming present. But, when it comes to a minimalist, it is different. It is difficult. What

Housewarming Gifts For A Minimalist In Your Life

It’s snowing heavily outside and you have to spend the day at home. Take this opportunity to take a break from your routine and enjoy the day. It can be a chance to do things together with your other half

Make a snowman

If you are in a job that involves a lot of speaking, it is generally a good idea to work on how you sound. You know you have a pleasant voice, but when you record and listen to it, it

voice recording

Someone who has to deal with frequent power cuts can relate to how extremely disruptive and problematic they can be. Short power cuts can be dealt with but life comes to halt when a long power cut hits you, especially


Highly sensitive people are the people whose senses get stimulated easily. They are highly empathetic and they feel more than an average person. They understand emotions well and are highly perceptive towards other’s emotions. They can tell what the person


We hear anywhere between ten to two hundred lies in a day. Most of them are harmless.  We all, though, want to be good at catching lies. So is there a clear-cut cue to help us catch a liar in


Some people have a habit of snoring very loudly when they are in deep sleep; it is all right if this happens when they are alone, but when they are sharing the bed a partner it can be a major


It is an age-old myth that you cannot retain information beyond a certai age, and that your memory starts going downhill from there. That is just what it is – a myth. Time and again, there have been people who


With the holiday season is around the corner and your homes looking greater than ever with all that Christmas decorations, this year you could try to make some awesome videos to remember the good times you had with your family

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