Budget Redose: Dress up your walls without emptying your pockets

Dress up your walls without emptying your pockets

Thinking of decorating that wall which makes your room look a damp squib? Having heartache worrying over the financial spurge? Well, not worry; think out of the box, there are many ways to arrange a good décor without burning your pockets. You just require a little clarity in thought, choice, color coordination and ample patience to pick up antique, abstract, vintage embellishments to suit your taste and the wall in mind! So, for all those who fear banking their banks, here are few ways to dress your walls. Image Credit

Estimated Cost
The décor makeover would cost just $300-400, with wise planning, coordinating and executing.

Don’t go broke, Try this:

1. Use large scale items
Instead of using numerous smaller objects, use a single larger object, example: a huge portrait or hang a rug or quilt, it also makes the room look bigger and spacious.

2. Mirrors
The use of mirrors of different shapes and sizes adds not just a touch of style, but also makes the room look spacious. Buy plain mirror, quadrilateral in shape without any side designs or panels, glue mosaic chips or chips on them, pick your own colors mix and match. A mirror mounted on mosaic gives a room widening effect.

3. Artwork
Imagine a rectangular space in having a focal center in your wall; fill this space with variant arts, crafts, portraits and clocks. It gives a ‘sprinkle’ effect to your room, making it look more spacious rather than cluttered.

4. Paper/ fabrics
If you don’t a huge painting or portrait to mount on the wall, use significant paper with abstract designs. You can also use fabrics or rugs, which are geometrically different to give a visual delight and added dimension to the room.

5. Make good use of old records
You can pull out all the unwanted old records, which are scratched and deemed useless, paint these vinyl records with vibrant colors of paint and mount them on your wall. A contrast color scheme would look very chic on your walls.

6. Collages
Collages of old memories, are like a wall mount scrapbook, with photos, pieces of paper with oodles of memories, fabrics etc glued on a larger poster, can be framed to protect it from dust. It visually looks uber cool, with an added sentimental touch, which gives your wall and your room more value.

7. Frames
You can always or never make a mistake indulging on frames for your wall. The trick lies in making your own frames, to stick within your budget.

Cutting corners with thrifty tips

• Chalkboards can be a great fun to decorate the walls. All you need is to check out your child’s room or your local thrift shop for chalkboards and make a fun decoration on walls. You can use them to display of your child’s art, messages, or even the caffeine-powered rants.

• You can give a new birth to your creativity with the frames and pictures. If you have number of varied size frames and pictures, tie them together by painting the frames all in the same color.
• Try to reflect your interest through the walls. Make sure that you keep it simple and personal and make it look like it was effortless.

• You can give wings to your creativity and define your personality with your interest.
For instance, you can choose something besides artwork. If you are a musician, hang a selection of musical instruments on the wall. You can also portray the culture of different places you have travelled.

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