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Women's health: The big 7 risks

Health Risks In Women

Women are susceptible to certain diseases which can be threatening to their lives. It is important to understand such health risks for better prevention. Simple lifestyle changes can help women to prevent such health problems and help lead a healthier life.

1. Heart disease

Health Risks In Women

Heart disease is usually thought of as a men’s disease but women are also vulnerable to it. It is important not to miss the earliest opportunity of prevention to keep your heart healthy. The risk of heart diseases in women can be reduced by following these simple steps:

a. Check history of heart disease in family
With these details you and your doctor can assess your susceptibility to heart problems.
b. Do not ignore any symptoms
Early diagnosis helps in controlling the occurrence of any further problem.
c. Visit your family doctor
Get your blood pressure, cholesterol level checked regularly. If required go for specialized tests like X-Rays and ECG.
d. Stay active
Exercise regularly to maintain a healthy weight as extra weight puts strain on your heart. 45–60 minutes of aerobic exercise can prove useful for women.
e. Maintain a healthy diet
The diet should be low in saturated fat, cholesterol, and salt. Vegetables and fruits are good options as they are rich in vitamins, minerals, and dietary fibers. For protein supplements in body, consume skimmed milk, egg whites, fish, and legumes.
f. Quit smoking
It is a major risk factor for heart disease in women. More than half of the heart attacks in women are related to smoking. Women who smoke along with using birth control pills increase their risk of heart disease.
g. Be physically active

Perform yoga and meditation to de-stress because anxiety, panic, and stress lead to heart attack.

2. Cancer

Health Risks In Women

Women are susceptible to various types of cancers like breast cancer, lung cancer, skin cancer, and cervical cancer. Some of the basic preventive measures to avoid cancer are given below:
a. Quit smoking
This is because smoking increases the precancerous growth of cells.
b. Maintain a healthy diet
The diet should be low in saturated fat, cholesterol, and salt. Vegetables and fruits are good options as they are rich in vitamins, minerals, and dietary fibers. For protein supplements in body, consume skimmed milk, egg whites, fish, and legumes. Maintain a healthy weight as obesity is a major risk for cancer.
c. Practice safe sex
Women should avoid multiple sex partners and unprotected sex.
d. Check history of cancer in family
With these details you and your doctor can assess your susceptibility to cancer.
e. Get regular Pap test done
f. Avoid alcohol
Women who consume alcohol have higher risk of developing cancer.
g. Stay active
Exercise regularly to maintain a healthy weight as extra weight puts strain on your heart. 45-60 minutes of aerobic exercise can prove useful for women. Yoga and meditation will also prove beneficial.
h. Avoid direct exposure to sun
This is important to prevent skin cancer. Protect yourself well with sunscreen, umbrella, and proper clothing.
i. Breast feeding
Breast feed your child to prevent breast cancer.

3. Heart strokes

Health Risks In Women

Heart stroke symptoms are subtle in women but they shouldn’t be ignored. Diagnosis at the right time and correct preventive measures can save your life. The same preventive measures should be followed as for heart diseases.

4. Chronic respiratory diseases

Health Risks In Women

Chronic lung diseases like asthma, pneumonia, respiratory allergies, COPD, pulmonary hypertension are also a great concern for women. This can be prevented to keep your lungs healthy with the following measures:
a. Don’t smoke
The best way to keep away respiratory disorders is by avoiding cigarettes. Tobacco is vey injurious to lungs.
b. Avoid pollutants
Stay away from polluted places and bad air. Take proper precautions before going to such environment.
c. Hygiene
Maintain personal hygiene by washing hands frequently.
d. Vaccination
Take proper vaccinations as suggested by your doctors.

5. Alzheimer’s disease

Health Risks In Women

Alzheimer disease cannot be prevented as the cause is still unknown. But certain lifestyle changes have proven to be beneficial.

a. Healthy diet
Vegetables and fruits rich in anti-oxidants, fish which is a source of omega-3 fatty acid and nuts rich in vitamin E can be beneficial.
b. Maintain healthy weight, control high blood pressure and high cholesterol level.
c. Stay active
Regular exercising and yoga practices can reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease in up to 60% of women.
d. Exercise your mind
Women should get indulge in brain activities like cross-words, chess and puzzles.
e. Avoid smoking
Research has shown certain links between smoking and Alzheimer.

6. Accidents

Health Risks In Women

Women are very prone to road accidents. Motor vehicle crashes can be fatal in certain cases.
a. Follow the traffic signals.
b. Wear seat belts.
c. Wear helmets.
d. Do not drink and drive.
e. Do not drive when in hurry.
f. Maintain a moderate speed.

7. Type 2 diabetes

Health Risks In Women

Women are at great risk of acquiring type 2 diabetes. This can lead to many other major health problems like kidney disease, heart disease, visual disturbances etc. This can be prevented by following these simple tips:
a. Check history of diabetes in family.
b. Get your blood sugar level checked regularly.
c. Maintain a proper diet. Consume whole grains instead of processed carbohydrates. Avoid saturated fat products like oil, butter, cheese and red meat. You can consume polyunsaturated fat present in fish and flax oil. You should completely give up sugary drinks.
d. Maintain a healthy weight. Obese women are more prone to type 2 diabetes. So control your weight.
e. Exercise regularly as inactivity promotes type 2 diab
etes. So you should try to get involve in exercise that suits your interest like jogging, aerobics, cycling, or swimming.
f. Avoid smoking because smokers are at 50 percent higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

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