Using laser to cure addictions – Basics to the fascinating process

Addiction or abnormal dependence on specific substances deviating seriously from normal activities and function can be life threatening. Addiction to drugs, alcohol and smoking is very common that cripples the normal life of a person making him or her socially alienated. When abstinence becomes impossible, laser therapy creates wonders creating specific brain responses that gradually reduce the craving and dependence on these substances additionally imparting a feel good factor to the addicted person.Laser therapy provides the long term solution without pain and stress.

Laser Therapy for Addiction

 Laser Therapy for Addiction

Laser works in a simple manner that is signaling the brain to induce more production of endorphins, the chemical that helps in fighting craving and relieves pain. While conventional modes of treating addiction are based on psychological counseling and drug administration, laser strikes the root of the problem, our brain responses that drive human minds towards these addictions.

Action of drugs on brain

drugs on brain

Narcotics contain chemicals similar to endorphins, and prolonged use of these substances blocks the nerve receptors reducing the natural endorphin production. Naturally, when the addicted person abstains from the drug, he experiences pain and discomfort (often termed as withdrawal symptoms) as his normal nerve receptors are no more able to produce the required amount of endorphin. Sometimes sweating, vomiting and uncontrollable diarrhea worsen the situation. Unable to bear the pain and agony of withdrawal symptoms, the person again gets back to the habit forming substance for quick relief.

Principle of Laser Therapy

Chronic anxiety

Laser light is applied on certain pressure points (quite analogous in acupressure treatments) like face, nose, ears, hands and feet to speed up the endorphin production. Higher amounts of endorphins produced reduce stress, anxiety ultimately reducing the unnecessary craving for those habit forming substances.Not only this, laser therapy also increases the serotonin levels in the brain, another feel-good-factor-inducing hormone that calms down the nerves leaving a person relaxed and absolutely stress free.


 laser- focused 1

First and foremost, the person who would be undergoing the laser therapy must realize the harmful effects of addiction. He should approach the treatment with a positive mindset and not with rebellious attitude and cooperate with the treatment giver.  The person should not take those addictive substances while opting for this treatment. One thing is to be borne in mind that due family and social support along with this treatment will fetch quicker results.


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Laser therapy is totally non-invasive, non-thermal, painless and does not require any drugs.

A pointed wand is placed on the selected pressure points like face, ears or hands wherever the specialist feels deemed for the treatment.  Laser light is then passed through this wand through those points. While the treatment is on, the patient would be given to watch videos of tranquil images and places. The videos may also carry the strong message of harmful consequences of addiction depicted through presentations and images. The session may last from 30-60 minutes.

How does Laser Therapy help?

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Laser therapy is mainly directed in balancing the endorphin levels to keep the person in a calmed and relaxed state preventing him/her to get agitated and frustrated frequently. For example, a smoker feels a strong urge to smoke if he/she feels agitated or disturbed. The endorphin level shoots up calming down the agitated mind instantly, and after that endorphin levels drop. This endorphin drop again forces the person to light another cigarette and this goes on. The higher endorphin levels produced due to Laser therapy keeps the mind calm and relaxed for a long time gradually driving the person away from addictive substances. 

How many visits?

addiction free

For example, to quit smoking one visit is enough for the cure. But since different patients have different levels of addiction, booster applications may be needed on the 2nd day and 4th week after the first visit. The booster treatments will be effective if only the person abstains from the addictive substances after the first treatment.

Laser therapy should be a coordinated effort of healthy lifestyle management, discipline, physical workouts, exercises, deep breathing and other holistic approaches to help a person get rid of addiction through a painless route. 

Curing addiction through laser therapy is unique process that rehabilitates the addicted person through specific brain responses.

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