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Ulcers can be reduced by making dietary and lifestyle changes

ulcers 2112Ulcers are sores on the lining of your digestive tract. According to familydoctor, Ulcers are caused by a type of bacteria called Helicobacter pylori; acid and other juices made by the stomach can contribute to ulcers by burning the lining of your digestive tract. You can also get ulcers when you take anti-inflammatory medicines.

What are the symptoms of ulcer
The major symptoms of ulcers is a burning or gnawing feeling in the stomach area that lasts between 30 minutes and 3 hours. This pain is often interpreted as heartburn, indigestion or hunger. The pain usually occurs in the upper abdomen, but sometimes it may occur below the breastbone. In some individuals the pain occurs immediately after eating. In other individuals, the pain may not occur until hours after eating. Appetite and weight loss are other symptoms according to mamashealth.

Ulcers can be treated with medication and certain dietary and lifestyle changes have to be made for the medication to be effective, according to American Academy of Family Physicians. If you are having ulcers, you must avoid certain foods so that it doesn’t aggravate. Foods that contain caffeine, alcoholic beverages and spicy foods should be avoided. You must also avoid smoking, alcoholic beverages and anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin and ibuprofen.

You could also try some home remedies mentioned in this site.



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