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Tips to prevent weight gain while quitting smoking

Quit smoking today, stay fit forever

Are you one of those who is trying to quit smoking? At the same time, are you worried about gaining excessive weight? Relax! You need not worry and peacefully go ahead taking this step towards a healthy living. No doubt most people gain weight once they quit smoking but there are ways which can prevent that.

Fortunately, these ways are simple, if followed consistently. It is always safe to take precaution of not gaining weight because this can lead to serious health problems. Following are some reasons why smokers gain weight:-

  1. Smoking is an appetite killer: Smokers are generally underweight because smoking suppresses the appetite. Smokers are more interested in going for another fag rather than eating food.
  2. A substitute for eating: Smoking is like a substitute for eating for the smoker. So, smokers are generally malnourished and underweight.
  3. Smoking makes one defecate more: Smoking increases the passage of food through the lower digestive tract and some food gets swept through even before all the nutrients are absorbed.
  4. Doesn’t leave scope for eating more: Smoking works as a desert at the end of a meal. Rather than taking a second or third serving of food or having dessert, smokers stop eating and go for a cigarette instead.

Quit smoking...feel healthier and lighter

If smokers are aware of the above threats, they would definitely take a determined step to quit smoking. So, let’s look at ways which can prevent weight gain even after you make the choice to stay away from smoking.

  1. Exercise: This is a sure shot way of staying fit and maintaining constant weight. Because quitting smoking slows down the metabolism, exercising is important to keep metabolism rate up. To prevent excess weight, start walking, cycling, swimming, jogging or anything that suits you and doesn’t over exert you. Start with 15 minutes a day and gradually increase your pace and time you invest while exercising. Exercise is also a great way to beat cravings to smoke as it keeps you engaged.
  2. Go for nutritious snacks: Avoid having fried foods and junk foods as snacks. Instead go for healthier and fresher alternatives like a eating fresh fruits and vegetables, yogurt, herbal teas, toned milk etc.
  3. Say NO to alcohol: Alcohol being very high in calories should be avoided at all costs once you have quit smoking. Moreover, it turns out to be a big trigger to smoke for many as smoking and drinking go together hand in hand.
  4. Go for sugar free sweeteners: If you are too fond of sweets, go for those which are made up of sugar free sweeteners. Also, fresh fruit juices are far better than packaged ones.
  5. Cut down on fats: Try low-fat versions of milk, yogurt, and cottage cheese instead of whole-milk products. Cut down fat from meats. Broil, bake, or steam foods instead of frying them. This is a sure shot solution that you don’t gain weight after you have quit smoking.
  6. Go the fruits and veggies way: Have at least 4-5 servings of fruits and vegetables each day. This way you’ll provide the nutrition to your body and not even feel tempted to smoke and won’t even gain weight.
  7. Never ever skip a meal: Skipping important meals like breakfast and lunch will never let you lose weight. It will in fact give you headaches, jitters, which will in turn make you crave for a cigarette. Have three moderate meals through the day would get your metabolism going better.

    With the above tips, it won’t be a difficult job for you to prevent excessive weight gain after quitting smoking. In fact you should feel really good about yourself that you have made a very healthy decision. After all, quitting smoking is not a small accomplishment. So, quit smoking and feel lighter at the same tips with the above listed tips.

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