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Safety tips for older people this winter!

Every year the advent of winter makes it necessary to have some precautions to cope with it successfully. Actually, winter season takes a heavy toll on the older people. Moreover, this is the time in the whole year when older people are more vulnerable and might succumb to various diseases too. According to an estimate, eight older people every hour die during winter in Britain.

Therefore, it becomes quite important for the older people to take special care of themselves because if winter season is not tackled carefully then it may ramify into serious health related problems like cold, hypothermia, strokes, paralysis, frostbite, etc.

So, here are some important tips that you can follow this winter to have a happy and joyous winter season this year.

1. Make sure that you take every important step to keep yourself warm this winter because it is the first demand of winter season and for that make sure that you wrap yourself well before stepping out of your home. People who are with heart disease and other circulation problems are more vulnerable to frostbite.

2. Another common threat that winter season brings, especially for older people is bone fractures due to skidding on snow. So, avoid walking on snow as far as possible and prefer only that place to walk on which is dry and from where snow has been shoveled away. Wearing anti-skidding shoes can also be a good way. Moreover, try to take with you cane or cudgel as far as possible.

3. Mostly older people are seen shoveling snow, which is simply disastrous as in the winter season our heart has to work extra in order to keep our body warm and shoveling snow during that time puts an extra burden on heart and condition can worsen with heart disease or blood pressure.

4.Burning wood, natural gas, kerosene and other fuels, no doubt, helps in keeping us warm but often we forget that these fuels spews out carbon monoxide, which may lead to carbon monoxide poisoning. So, make sure that you arrange for proper smoke exhaust and must keep in mind that arranging heater or burning wood should be at least 3 or 4 inches away from your curtains and other objects that may catch fire. If you arrange for chimney to spew out smoke outside of your house then it would be an ideal way to fend off the threat of carbon monoxide poisoning. Most importantly, try to prefer electric heaters instead of gas stove, charcoal grill as far as possible.

5. Following all these tips would not be sufficient until older people pay heed to right eating habits during winter season because right eating, drinking as well as adequate exercise during this period can help them cope even severe winters more successfully.

So, my older friends I hope bringing these few but important tips in use would help you enjoying this winter season in a much better way.

Image credit: Communityni

Via: Fox News

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