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Tips For Flat Abs

Struggling against tummy fat cannot get easier than this. Here’s how you lose fat.


Eat the Power Snack

You must eat a snack that contains protein between 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. Go for a protein bar, a piece of low-fat cheese, or some almonds with an organic apple.
It’s important because it boosts metabolism and balances blood sugar. The lower you keep your blood sugar, the lower you keep your insulin, and insulin makes you store fat around . Eating every three to four hours will keep your blood sugar even.


Do the ball exercise

Do the ball exchange three times a week. Lay flat on your back with your arms above your head and legs straight out. Start with a stability ball above your head in your hands. Bring the ball up above your chest as you bring your legs up to meet the ball and place it between your ankles. Bring the ball back down to the floor with your legs and straighten your arms back out over your head.


Lose the sugar

Eat as less sugar as possible. This will keep insulin levels low and also keep levels of glucagon high. Glucagon, a hormone, is your best friend to have in your fight against losing weight.
The closer to zero grams of sugar you devour, the lower your insulin and the higher your glucagon.


Chew on this

Chewing is proven to prevent bloating, it cannot get any simpler than this. Chew food until it is like sauce in your mouth. Digestion starts in the mouth, and without proper chewing, food is not well-digested which leads to digestion problems and bloating. Better-digested food means less gas and bloating.


Crunches, but at the last

Follow the DCBA approach: Diet first, Cardio second, Building muscle third, and Abs exercises last. If you follow it ,you can safely lose one to two pounds a week. Prepare healthy meals at home. Spend 20 minutes a day three to five times weekly doing cardio. Spend 15 minutes a day three times a week strength training. Finally, spend 5 minutes a day three times a week doing abs exercises.


Lose the Salt

The ingredient making your tummy bloat could be the salt in your diet. Use natural sea salt or kosher salt, which is lower in sodium teaspoon for teaspoon than traditional table salts.

Add flavor to your food with fresh tomato salsa or a hint of cayenne pepper, which has an additional benefit of boosting metabolism.

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