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The other side of bird flu brouhaha

Thanks Brad, though everything seems to be like gobbledygook of jargon in the bird flu context, things have not gone out of control. It is true that one of the largest pandemic in the world has been subjected to a political barrage from both the Government and pharmaceutical companies; but much has been done to clip the bird flu flight wherever possible.
The banning of chicken imports, educating the farmers, checking the flight of migratory birds, culling of birds in quarantine and in the farms, human and bird isolation are some of the steps that have not let the bird flu culminate into a pandemic. And the good news about bird flu drugs is that Taiwan and Indian drug maker are manufacturing bird flu drugs. Brad the condition in Europe is controlled, things actually went haywire in South-east Asia. Anyways, your idea of eating fish might really help, as it is a wise step to avoid coming in contact with live hens.

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