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Telemedicine to help faster access to drugs


The introduction of high speed broadband across the UK in recent years means that 80% of the adult population now has easy access to the internet either at home or at work. But so far, this has made surprisingly little difference to the way in which healthcare services are provided by clinicians and nursing staff.

Despite a lot of talk at healthcare conferences, the reality is that you need to look hard to find examples of where telemedicine – as internet-enabled healthcare is known as within the NHS – is starting to make a difference.

According to an NHS Confederation report published last January, the government must support the uptake of telemedicine in the health service. Although face-to-face contact remains important – especially for older patients – telemedicine will form the backbone for how we access many healthcare services in the future.

Ref and Read more: http://www.guardian.co.uk/healthcare-network/2011/sep/13/telemedicine-consultants-teleworkers-broadband-heart-stroke


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