Often we concentrate on fruits and vegetables for essential vitamins and minerals and somehow skip herbs. Well, fruits and vegetables are a good source of nutrients no doubt about that. Herbs, apart from the aroma and flavor contain these essential nutrients too. Mint is rich on antioxidants, which counter a host of diseases.
Nutritional facts about mint
Of the various varieties of mint, spearmint and peppermint are the most popular. Along with vitamins and minerals, mint has fiber and is low in fat and calories. Carbs contribute majority of the calories, they do have a small quantity of protein. Mint contains minerals magnesium, copper, calcium, iron, and potassium. Copper aids in making nerve function healthy and the brain communication occurs smoothly. Magnesium and calcium are known to give strength to the bones and teeth. Iron helps the body produce energy and these are essential for the manufacturing of red blood cells. Although, peppermint lacks iron and folate, spearmint contains both of them.
Folate helps in the production of proteins and RBCs as well. The combination of iron and folate in mint makes it good for the anemic. The vitamins A in mint helps you maintain healthy eyesight and prevent night blindness. Vitamin A boosts the overall immunity as the functioning of the White Blood cells is facilitated by it.
Health benefits
Someone might have suggested you peppermint tea while suffering from indigestion and bloating. Mint facilitates the flow of bile juice in the stomach, which benefits digestion. A research by the Newcastle University indicates that mint is a potent pain reliever. The next time you complain of a body ache, try mint before a synthetic pain reliever.
A study on chewing gums showed that people who consumed mint-flavored gum were more alert and their retention was better than the people who did not have mint in their gum. Remember we talked about antioxidants in mint, rosmarinic acid is an allergy killing antioxidant found in mint.
Incorporating mint in your food
This is so damn easy, a dash of mint can be added to most of your dishes. Not only they will bring a pleasant flavor, they bring health benefits as well. Mint can be grown in small pots, planting them in your garden will keep off the flies and ants. Mint in smoothies, salads or as a garnishing on a dish is more than delightful.
The next time you suffer from common cold, seasonal allergy, lack of mental alertness or a body ache you know which herb to try, right?