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Stem cells to prevent memory loss from brain injury

parts of a brain
Scientists from the University of California found in a new study that stem cells can help reverse memory loss in persons with head injuries. Researchers found in mice with brain injury, memory was restored after they received stem cell treatment for up to three months. Researchers believe that stem cells secrete a protein called neurotrophins that protect vulnerable cells from dying.

Scientists injected mice with brain injuries with about 200,000 neural stem cells and engineered them to look green under the ultra violet light so that they could be tracked inside the brain. After three months, they found that mice that received stem cells treatment were able to remember their surroundings 70% times, as did the healthy mice, whereas mice without treatment had memory problems.

Researchers further discovered that only 4% of the neural stem cells turned into neurons. This suggests that the stem cells instead of forming more neurons are instead enhancing the local brain microenvironment.

The study will go a long way to prevent memory loss from head injury.

Image:rainbow rehab

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