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Regular exercise may reduce the chances of lung cancer by 35 percent

Yes, we’ll know that smoking is injurious to health, still hard core addicts can’t hold them back from grabbing that fag and in that case the only way remains to reduce the risk of lung cancer is regular exercise. This fact has been put under the light by the a new study that covered older women and concluded that those who follow an active lifestyle, their chances of lung cancer reduce to 35 percent if compared with those smokers who follow a sedentary lifestyle.

However, these experts have made it clear that through this study they are not meant to give pass to smoke and moving on with the same idea Schmitz, an assistant professor at the University of Pennsylvania’s Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics said, ‘The most important thing that smokers can do to reduce the risk of lung cancer is quit smoking.’ Another fact that has been publicized by this study is that quitting smoking reduces chances of lung cancer up to 11 times.

On reading about this study, I doubt there can be some guys who may start doing exercise without quitting their smoking habit but don’t you think that the actual message, which hangs out of this study states that doing exercise or physical activity may just help reduce your chances of lung cancer but if you want to ward off lung cancer totally then you will have to quit smoking utterly.

Image credit: CNN

Via: Fox News

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