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The role and importance of menstruation in a woman’s life

In the past when women were respected for their matriarchal role in the society, menstruation was looked at as an important and revered natural phenomenon. With time, the society changed and patriarchal norms started governing our minds and bodies. As the status of women declined in the society, menstruation became a taboo and often considered as something dirty.

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Girls start getting periods generally between the ages of nine and fifteen. Societal norms make them afraid of their own body and lack of knowledge makes them look at menstruation as a liability. The truth is that menstruation is not a curse; it is an important part of the female identity and her capacity to create new life.

Only menstruating women are capable of conceiving babies naturally and give birth to healthy children. All women should learn to embrace their feminine identity and not be ashamed of periods.


What is menstruation?

The male and female bodies are different. Women have two ovaries that consists millions of immature eggs. When the female body matures and a girl enters womanhood, every month one egg matures inside one of the two ovaries. The matured egg then enters the fallopian tube and moves into the uterus. The egg waits for sperms to fertilize them. If the egg does not fertilize, then it goes out of the body along with a lining called endometrium inside the uterus. The uterus creates this lining with blood and tissues for making a positive environment for the fertilized egg and pregnancy.

Menstruation is usually supposed to occur every 28 days but the date varies depending on the individual menstrual cycle of a woman. Stress, tension, fluctuation in the levels of female sexual hormones like estrogen and androgen can lead to delayed periods. Women who do not get their periods regularly should consult a gynecologist and follow their medical advices.

 cardiovascular system of women

How necessary is menstruation in a modern woman’s life?

The menstruation is a natural phenomenon, which you can suppress with the help of modern medications. The priorities of the modern women have shifted from raising a family and giving birth to several children to being successful and pursuing their individual passions. Women are now financially more stable and can take their life’s decisions independently. They are not interested to be defined by their role in bearing and rearing children.

That is why a growing number of women are seeking medical help to reduce the number of their periods or stopping it completely. They are looking for solutions to control the menstrual cycle at their own will so that they can get pregnant when they want to. However, regular menstruation has some good health benefits for women. Understanding these benefits is necessary for making the right decision about your body. Menstruation is good for the cardiovascular system of women. With the menstrual blood, excess iron goes out of our body. Excess iron can diminish the capability of our cardiovascular system over a long period. Menstruation also keeps the risk of heart attack at bay among women.

During two weeks of the menstrual cycle, women generally have low blood pressure. Low blood pressure decreases the risk of heart attack and strokes. Regular menstruation also reduces the risk of ovarian cancer, ovarian cysts, endometriosis and anemia. Every natural phenomenon associated with our body is necessary for maintaining good health. If a woman feels that she does not want to get periods, she should consult a gynecologist instead of using the menstruation stopping drugs on her own.


Menstruation is a natural phenomenon and women should not feel embarrassed about it. It helps in maintaining good health in women.

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