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How to Prevent Illness

A person can become unwell due to various reasons but you can prevent yourself from falling ill by following a few precautions. When a person falls sick it is due to bacterial or viral infection. These bacteria or viruses get inside your body from your hands. Certain viruses are air borne and go inside your body through your nose when you breathe. This can be avoided by taking some preventive measures. Here’re some preventive steps that should be taken to stay safe against any illness.

Complexity Level: Basic

Resources Required:

  1. Liquid hand wash
  2. Tissues
  3. Disinfecting soap for clothes


1. Wash your hands often

Most of the illnesses occur to the virus and bacteria which enter your bodies via your hands. You touch places and objects without even noticing how clean or dirty they are. Unknowingly, the bacteria get on your hands and then inside your stomach when you eat or even touch your mouth. It is required that you wash your hands every time before eating. This will minimize the number of germs entering your mouth and hence prevent an illness. When traveling, always keep a small bottle of handwash handy.

2. Wash clothes after meeting ill people

When you visit someone in the hospital or a sick friend, the germs from the ill person will settle on your clothes and body. When you come back home, wash your clothes with disinfecting soap and if possible have a bath too. There are many antiseptic soaps available in the market for clothes and body. Washing will ensure eradication of the germs from your clothes and hence prevent you from falling sick.

3. Keep tissue handy

When traveling via public transport like trains and buses, always keep a packet of tissues handy. There might be ill people in the bus or train who sneeze without notice. You can use your tissue paper to cover your nose and mouth and hence prevent the germs from the ill person to enter your body.

4. Take your vaccinations

Sometimes, some illnesses happen because you cannot prevent them. You can take precautions by getting vaccinated for these diseases. A vaccination will build the antibodies inside your body to fight successfully against the disease-causing germs.

5. Take good rest

Always sleep well at night and take good rest when you are tired. A good night’s sleep will increase your immunity power and hence prevent any illness from affecting you.

Frequently asked questions:

1. Can we prevent illness by taking vitamins?

Illnesses can be prevented up to a certain extent by taking a daily dosage of vitamins. You need to know how much and which vitamins to take every day to keep the illnesses at bay. Consult a doctor and get to know which vitamins will keep those evil germs away from you.

2. How do I prevent monsoon illness?

Monsoon is the season for illnesses and some germ or the other is sure to infect you. However, you can prevent falling sick by not getting wet in the rain for a long time. If you do get wet, make sure you clean yourself thoroughly by taking a hot water bath. Drink hot beverages which will kill any germs which may have accidentally entered your body.

Quick Tips:

  1. Use vaporizing hand sanitizers when you are going out of the house.
  2. When you sneeze keep a tissue over your mouth, throw it away and use another one for next time.
  3. Sleep well and take rest to build a good immunity power.

Things To Watch Out For:

  1. Watch out for ill people around you and stay away.
  2. Drink hot beverages instead of cold in the monsoon season.

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