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Perhaps folic acid has nothing to do with the health of your heart!

In order to keep yourself away from second heart attack or stroke if you are taking folic acid supplements then it would be far better to do some positive changes in your lifestyle than depending on folic acid supplements. A new research has divulged this fact.

During the course of study, it was found that folic acid supplements do not play an effective role in bringing down your risk level of heart disease or heart attack but health lifestyle, which includes right eating habits; regular exercises, etc. may definitely help a lot.

Wrapping out the ineffectiveness of folic acid supplements, study’s lead author, Dr Lydia Bazzano, an assistant professor of epidemiology at Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, in New Orleans said, ‘Consuming a supplement of folic acid is probably not going to mitigate your risk of cardiovascular disease.’

Result, coming out of this new study is actually a major blow to the studies conducted earlier, which have tried to bring folic acid supplements as effective tools to guard off heart attacks and strokes. Recently, through a study researchers had brought out the idea that folic acid supplements may play a major role in keeping you away from heart diseases. Personally, I believe that whereas this study shatters away the myth created by studied conducted earlier, it also compel us to reconsider the basis of such scientific studies and raise a question that how far such studies are believable, especially when scientific studies are giving paradoxical results.

Image credit: Drmcdougall

Via: Medicine Net

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