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New skin-applying colorless gel to treat male menopause

now a colorless gel to treat male menopause 9With a changing lifestyle, hectic work schedules and bidding hard to be in the rat race, personal lives of many are getting suffered – be it man or woman. This eventually effect libido, also leading to erectile dysfunction and baldness. This also leads to weight gain, lethargy, and irritability. But, you can also find out if you are suffering from hypogonadism, as these are also symptoms of the disease in men – or ‘male menopause.’

But, hypogonadism increases with age similar to growing less fertile in women. It has been found that 6 to 12 percent of men aged over 40 and 91 percent of them over 80 suffer from the condition.

ProStraken, the Scottish company behind the male menopause has come up with an interesting solution. They have developed a ‘colorless gel’ — named Tostran. It contains two per cent synthetic testosterone, which helps restore the normal levels of the hormone — associated with male libido and sexual function — in most men in just a few hours.

No, you don’t need to ‘inject it’ inside your body. You just simply have to apply it to the shoulders, upper arms or abdomen, which will be absorbed through the skin and then released into the bloodstream slowly.

Just a matter of a few hours, and you are back to your youth-days vigor. Thanks to the new colorless gel.

But, don’t be worried if you develop acne, skin reaction, headache or hypertension after using the gel. They are simply the side effects of testosterone replacement therapies.


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