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Master Cleanse Diet

Master Cleanse Diet

Master cleanse diet was introduced to the world approximately 60 years ago. A medical expert introduced this diet that helps in weight control and appropriate health maintenance. Master cleanse diet is a safe, effective and efficient way for people to gain numerous health benefits.

Master cleanse diet
is also known as lemonade diet as lemon is major ingredient here. Master cleanse diet has been consumed by celebrities around the world to keep their bodies slim. Master cleanse diet has 3 main ingredients that have to be consumed on regular basis. The three ingredients are lemon, cayenne pepper and maple syrup.

  1. Lemon provide anti oxidants to cleanse kidney and livers.
  2. Cayenne pepper act as anti inflammatory agent that help in digestion to clear gut.
  3. Maple syrup is rich in sugars and vitamin B, providing energy at the cellular level.

Humongous Benefits of Master cleanse diet

Detox and weight loss are the ultimate results of continued Master cleanse diet. However, sole benefits are different from these benefits. Within the first few days, you will start feeling more energy and freshness in your routine. It is due to the fact that your body goes through colon cleansing which breaks down fats and other poisonous elements.

Detoxing results ultimately results in glowing skin, improved digestion and overall clean body. Just like the name suggests, it cleans the body and removes all unwanted elements. Master cleanse diet shows immediate affects and results. You may witness up to 20 pound weight loss by regularly following the Master cleanse diet. Master cleanse diet should only be continued for 2 to 3 months to achieve the goal of weight reduction.

Instructions on Master cleanse diet

Master cleanse diet has 3 phases. You must follow the instructions to obtain desired results. Carelessness may lead to no results even though you thought you had been doing a lot of hard work to lose weight. Here is the solution discussed in 3 simple steps for you to have complete understanding about Master cleanse diet.

Before Master cleanse diet

  • Consult a physician whether it’s safe for you to go for it or not.
  • Lower your daily intake, before starting Master cleanse diet.
  • Eradicate meat and processed foods from your diet completely.
  • Start consuming fruits and veggies in an increased volume.
  • Get used to liquid diet by drinking juice of all veggies and fruits.
  • Soups and 2 liters of fresh orange juice daily should be drunk just before starting with Master cleanse diet.

During Master cleanse diet

  • Prepare two, 1 liter containers of lemonade by mixing lemon juice, cayenne syrup, maple syrup and 1 liter water.
  • Drink prepared liquid depending on hunger and physical exercise being carried out during the day.
  • Herbal tea and Senna are good options to include in your daily Master cleanse diet. Drink herbal tea before going to sleep.
  • The lemonade diet should stay for minimum 10 days and maximum 6 weeks.

After Master cleanse diet

  • When you have obtained desired results, start drinking 3 liters of orange juice for couple of days with addition of 2 Tbs maple syrup in it. After 2 days, consume vegetables and other fruits juice. Bring soups into your diet when you start drinking veggies and fruits juices.

By following the above mentioned simple Master cleanse diet you can reach your goal of weight reduction and return to regular diet.

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