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Lifestyle changes could help you beat diabetes and live longer

diabetic patient

Thanks to the unhealthy lifestyles, the number of diabetic cases is spiraling towards the north at an amazing speed and is serious global health problem. Though diabetes is triggered due to a combination of genetic and environmental factors, obesity is a major cause of this disease these days. More and more children are now diagnosed with diabetes and the ticking time bomb is a cause for worry.

There is no cure for diabetes and once diagnosed with the disease, the patient has to live with it all his life. However, leading a normal and healthy life should not be a hindrance to the diabetic if he takes care of himself and makes changes in his lifestyle. Most diabetics know what to do in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle but they are too lazy or at loss when it comes to putting it all together and implement the changes.

It’s important for diabetics to get out of the couch and exercise regularly. This not only helps one to reduce weight but also helps manage stress, the two factors that trigger diabetes. So, whether you want to hit the gym or the road, just do it!

Diet: Needless to say, it’s the cornerstone of diabetes treatment as the food you intake affects your body’s need for insulin and its ability to lower your blood sugar. Plan a well balanced meal and moderate your intake of sugary foods and alcoholic beverages.

Manage your stress: Stress alters the blood glucose levels in diabetics and therefore managing stress is important for you. Relax and try meditation to keep your stress under check.

These basic lifestyle changes if made effectively could see you telling bedtime stories to your grandchildren!



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