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Laser hair removal can give you back your confidence

Ingrown hair

Unwanted body hair is often the reason why you cannot decide what to wear. Unlike your friends, who wear sleeveless tops and short dresses, you always opt for longer sleeves and jeans or hide behind a sari. Most women try different modes of hair removal such as shaving, waxing and tweezing but none of these can prevent body hair from growing back again. Shaving roughens the skin and tweezing is a very time consuming procedure. Waxing hurts and is not a permanent solution for hair removal. Laser hair removal is a much better and safer choice for removing unwanted body hair permanently. But this is a procedure which should be performed under the supervision of professional and experienced dermatologists.

How is laser hair removal done?

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The manifold skin care benefits of laser treatment make it one of the most advisable hair removal procedures available in India and across the globe. With the help of laser treatment body hair can be removed from the underarms, arms, legs, back, two-piece lines and face. Laser hair removal is an accurate, safe, simple and quick procedure. It targets the dark colored and coarse hair without affecting the surrounding areas. Thus, areas where there is almost no body hair remain undamaged.

A high focused beam of light concentrates on the hair follicles. When follicles ingest the concentrated light, coarse and dark hair roots are destroyed. The laser beam targets hair at their roots in such a manner that almost all of the thick and dark hair stop growing and the growth of the thinner hair is also slowed down. A single beam of laser can target thousands of hair within a fraction of a second. Areas like upper lips, where some women have moustache lines, can be treated in minutes. However, to target areas like the back, belly, hands and legs an hour or more is required. Within six to eight sessions one can start experiencing a lasting reduction of hair growth. Laser treatment makes your skin smooth, soft and free of unseemly hair so that you can wear any type of dresses you want.

The benefits of laser hair removal

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According to a scientific study around 60% to 95% body hair in the targeted region is permanently gone within 6 months if laser hair treatment is used properly. It helps women get rid of the stubble that makes their skin feel rough. Waxing once every fortnight for a lifetime will cost more than six sittings of laser hair removal procedure. Laser hair removal is also preferred because it is effective on the ingrown hair that causes boils and pigmentation.

With laser hair removal one need not worry about red bumps that appear after waxing or shaving. Use of advanced technology ensures that the procedure is taken care of within a short span of time. Another benefit of laser hair removal is that it is almost painless. If you are planning to opt for laser hair removal make sure to find a qualified proficient with both knowledge and expertise regarding the procedure.

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