Including vitamins and minerals in the daily diet of children

Baby Diet

Children are often fussy eaters and it is tough to make them eat nutritious foods everyday. It is the responsibility of the parents to make sure that the children are eating a balanced diet and getting all the nutrients that they need for growth. Proper nutrition in childhood can protect your kids from health damages and diseases when they grow up. Children grow up rather fast.


When they reach puberty, their sexual organs start developing and hormone secretions increase to promote the physical changes. These changes also have to be supported with proper nutrition. A vitamin and minerals rich diet is necessary for the good health of your children.

Vitamins help in protecting the body against different sorts of diseases and minerals are necessary for bodybuilding. Each of the vitamins and minerals perform multiple tasks for the benefit of your child’s health.

There is no easy way of making your children eat nutritious foods rich in vitamins and minerals. You have to put extra effort for making them eat healthy foods.

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Parents who succeed in instilling a good food habit in their children are able to give them a gift for a lifetime. Malnutrition and obesity are the attributes of unhealthy diet. Some children do not get the necessary and vital nutrients because their parents are not careful about what they eat.

Unhealthy diet can lead to weakening of bones, feebleness, and lack of immunity, scurvy and vision problems.

To avoid all these health issues you will have to keep a lot of vegetables and meat in your child’s diet. Colorful vegetables like carrot, capsicums, beetroots, and leafy vegetables like lettuce, spinach contain lots of vitamins and minerals.


Instead of boiling the vegetables, you can make a soup with veggies and noodles. Use herbs like parsley or coriander to make it flavorful. Sprinkle black pepper for making it tastier. Find out recipes that taste delicious yet offer the necessary vitamins and minerals to your children.

There is nothing better than home cooked meals for proper nutrition of kids. Eggs, milk and meat also contain vitamins but if you are vegan then give your kids sufficient amount of nuts, soymilk and tofu. Reduce the number of times you dine out with your family in a month. Unsaturated fats are bad for both your and your kid’s health.


It is the responsibility of parents to make their kids eat a balanced diet rich in minerals and vitamins. They will have to develop healthy eating habits in their kids.

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