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History of Global Healthcare

<![CDATA[The Global Healthcare is an age old concept, Healthcare products, information and services were imported/exported from the era of BC.


The history of medical travel is inseparable from that of medicine itself. The written word has many a time illustrated how humans have voyaged to the end of the world to find remedies for their ailments; to get themselves the best possible cure, sometimes at the cost of all their possessions, severing ties with their homeland and even life. Read History of Medial Tourism.


Medicine, surgery, medical techniques and medical instruments were among the first to get import/export within global geographies.


Pharma industries were among the first to export medicines across the globe.


The international healthcare marketplace emerged in the late 19th century when patients from less developed parts of the world with the necessary resources to do so began to travel to major medical centers in Europe and the United States to have diagnostic evaluation and treatment that was unavailable in their own countries.


Modern technology enables potential medical tourists to investigate and arrange healthcare anywhere in the world from their home computer directly or with the advice and assistance of a medical tourism agency.]]>

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