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Higher doses of Vitamin D delivers healthier babies

As per a recent study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal a heavy dietary intake of vitamin D have healthier babies in comparison to women who have a lighter intake of the nutrient. The report illustrates the case by listing down the quantity of milk gulped down by a pregnant woman, where an additional 250ml of milk can add 41 grams to the baby. As per the researchers:

This is an important finding because increasing number of women are restricting milk consumption during pregnancy, believing that it will lower fat intake, minimize weight gain, treat self-diagnosed lactose intolerance or prevent their children from developing allergies.

In a nutshell the study advises women to take more intake of Vitamin D freely as it does not have any side affects on both mother and child. The importance of consuming Vitamin D is such that American Journal of Public Health has increased the suggested intake from 5 micrograms to 25 micrograms…five times of what a woman felt like eating during pregnancy.

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