Good Night – Sleep Tight

Good Night - Sleep Tight

Do you often feel sleepy or drowsy during a day? Do you find it difficult to pay attention at work place? Do you get irritated on trifles now days? If yes, then you may be a sleep deprived person who needs good night sleep.

Following the simple steps suggested in this article will keep you away from counting sheep and credit you good night’s sleep. Do you often feel sleepy or drowsy during a day? Do you find it difficult to pay attention at work place? Do you get irritated on trifles now days? If yes, then you may be a sleep deprived person who needs good night sleep. Good night sleep is as essential as water and food to maintain the healthy status of our body. Few days back, the Women’s 3F health awareness event was conducted at Dubai, with aim of raising awareness and highlighting the benefits that a good night sleep can bring to a healthy life. There, Dr. Amro Al-Astal, Consultant Intensivist / Pulmonologist of the American hospital in Dubai discussed about how prolonged, broken sleep and sleep deprivation can contribute to a women’s stress level, encompassing mood, concentration and focus, where as a short lecture on the effects of night-time discomfort and the importance of the right posture and sleep systems was given by Cathy Portwig, a leading Physiotherapist from the Orthosports.  The program had been succeeding to create the awareness about the importance of good night sleep for healthy life.

 However there are many people who are not getting the best night sleep and don’t know what to do to have uninterrupted, refreshing sleep. Following the below mention steps will keep you away from counting sheep and credit you a great night’s sleep.

 Follow the schedule– Fix the sleeping and awakening time. Go to bed at a set time each night and rise at the same time each morning to ensure restful sleep. Avoid sleeping on weekends after noon, as it can upset your schedule and it will be difficult to wake up early on next working days.

 Exercise– Daily light exercise for 20 to 30minutes often helps to get better sleep.  

 Avoid stimulants– Drinks such as coffee, chocolate contains caffeine that acts as stimulant and can keep you awake. Similarly tobacco and alcohol can also interfere with the normal sleep pattern. Avoid them especially at night, soon before bedtime.

 Don’t lie awake in bed waiting anxiously to get asleep. Instead of tossing and turning in bed, engage your self in calming activities such as reading relaxing literature or listening to a soft music until you feel sleepy. Even a warm bath will help you to get a sound sleep

 Keep worries outside the bed-Stress, anxiety, anger all will take away your sleep. Try to turn off worries before bedtime. Remember, refreshed mind can give you a better solution for your problems. You can do meditation or use aromatherapy to calm your mind and body.

Convert your Bedroom in sleep sanctuary by keeping it uncluttered, dark, and quiet and cool with maintaining comfortable room temperature. Remove computers and TVs from the bedroom. Proper bed room environment will provide you optimum sleep.

 Replace mattresses– that has uncomfortable up and downs. Take proper care of your mattress by rotating and flipping it every season. You are spending one –third of your life in bed so its worth investing in good quality mattress.

 Consult a physician– to check whether you are suffering from sleep disorder. The underlying medical conditions such as hypothyroidism, sleep apnea can disturb your sleep; however most of them can be treated effectively with medicines.

I am sure following these simple steps will help you to have restful night and refreshed,rejuvinated morning.

 Good night!!!


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