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Good food for a good sex life

Good food for a good sex life

Many suggest good exercising and stress free schedule for a good sex life. However, the intake of right food can also improve your sex life. Simple organic food can do wonders. Eat good food for a better sex life. Not only do some organic foods increase the nutrients required to increase libido but they also decrease problems like stress that decrease or degrade good sex life.Some of the foods you should consider adding to your diet are listed below:

Almonds and Nuts

Almonds comprise of fatty acids. These nutrients help in activating the brains thus helping it to process information and work efficiently. Moreover, they being high on fatty acids, they produce men’s hormones. Secondly, females can arouse the male drive with the smell of almonds. How about an almond flavored candle or almond flavored air freshener to add to the charm?


Another source of fatty acids, avocados are good for the heart and the brain. Aztecs named the avocado tee as Ahuacatl or the testicle tree. Avocados are source of folic acids that are good in metabolizing proteins. This helps induce energy in an individual. Moreover, they comprise of B6, which increase the levels of male hormones. The potassium in it controls the thyroid glands of women. The potassium and B6 help in promoting the libido in males and females.


They are considered good for sex since the Casanovas were existent. They are a typical aphrodisiac, which comprises of zinc. Zinc is said to increase the sperms and testosterone in the body. Adequate intake can help a good production of sperms in the male. Moreover, they contain dopamine, a hormone that increases the libido amongst men and women.


Containing Vitamin B6 and B5, eggs not only balance the levels of hormones but also reduce stress levels. Less stress is an important factor for a good sex life. It is a common practice to eat raw eggs to increase libido. They also increase the energy levels.


Libido is increased by inducing bromelain enzyme in the body. A natural source to provide this enzyme is the banana. Some believe the fruit can pay an important part in reversing the problem of impotence in men. Moreover, they are rich in potassium and Vitamin B namely riboflavin. These elements increase the energy levels in the body.


The above food if taken in right quantity can help improve your sex life and reduce stress.

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