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Germiest places around the house

Do you often fall sick? Are you not tired of the enormous medical bills? Then here are some tips to gain sick-free life.

As gross as it may sound, every time you flush your toilet your toothbrush gets an equal amount of bacteria sprayed on it. So try keeping your poor brush as far as possible. Always walk around the locker room in flip-flops, and never go barefoot in any public place because the floor is warm and damp from the shower and sweat, a perfect breeding ground for viruses and fungi which causes plantar warts and athlete’s foot.

Ladies never share your make up. Wipe brushes with alcohol, dispose off makeup after two months use. Best way to avoid pimples.

The average desktop has 400 times more bacteria than a toilet bowl breeding parainfluenza virus, which causes colds and flu so a regular cleaning with a disinfecting wipe is a must. The door handle on the microwave in the office kitchen is also a very germy place. So be sure to wash your hands after heating up your lunch.

Alcohol and bleach-based products are the mightiest weapon to fight these bugging germs.

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