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Genes may let some women see 100 millions Colors!

Have you ever heard or met a tetrachromat? A tetrachromat can be a woman who can see four distinct ranges of color rather than three, normally seen by most of the people.

Genes present in the body can be responsible for this. The three standard colors – blue, green and red are detected by the cones in retina and provide with 100 types of color gradation to eyes.

A real tetrachromat woman found to have red and green type of cone like orange in appearance providing her to see 100 million varied colors.

This superior color vision is only found in woman and not in man. It is due to the presence of two X chromosomes in woman, on which the genes for the pigments in green and red cones lies. Only 2 to 3 percent woman of the world may be tetrachromats.

I am really amazed to learn that woman has the capability of having fourth type of color vision, thereby able to see 100 million colors. These tetrachromats are luckiest ever to have such a unique god gift.


Via: post-gazette

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