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Eight Ways to lose belly fat 

Ways to lose belly fat 

Belly fat isn’t just a “looks” problem, it also brings about a host of health issues. It also poses a problem to your getting dressed properly. Most of your outfits do not fit well for that unwanted layer of flab built around the abdomen. The extra fat around your paunch and other parts of the body releases the stress hormone called cortisol.

Visceral fat also whips out inflammatory substances known as cytokines. It also affects the synthesis of insulin in your body. Getting a flab around your belly is no good than having a general overweight. In fact, belly fat might be a reason for type 2 diabetes. It also makes you vulnerable to cardiovascular diseases.

Here let us explore ways to reduce this belly fat effectively making your life easier and healthier:

  1. Never stop moving:


Aerobic exercise is best for managing your belly fat. More you get engaged in workouts like swimming, cycling,jogging, sprinting and outdoor sports like badminton and tennis, more you bburn calories and reduce your belly fat fast.Twelve miles of jogging a week will be an appropriate workout to make your abdomen shed all those extra fat and get you a trimmer look.

  1. Eat more protein:

You have been probably grown on the notion that consumption of protein reduces belly fat and take it for sure that it does. Now here lies the mechanism of why is it so. As you age your body’s insulin production increases since the muscle and fat cells in your body had slowed down to make an effective response to it.

Insulin speeds up fat storage around your abdomen. Experiments reveal that consumption of more protein will insulate you against insulin resistance.Addition of organic whey protein to your breakfast, meals and snacks is a sure shot way to cut down on your layer of fat around abdomen.

In a study session, a group of women were put on eight week diet that comprised of 30 % protein, 40 % carbs and 30 % fat. Another group was put on a different diet that included 16 % protein, 55% carbs and 26 % fat. The former group lost fat more pronouncedly specially those ugly padding around the abdomen.

  1. Sleep deprivation:

Not getting enough sleep can make you gain belly fat. When you have lesser amount of sleep your stress hormone cortisol is affected that in turn interferes with insulin production. In fact, if you get lesser amount of sleep, the hormones of your body get affected. Your body produces more ghrelin that will build up sugar craving contributing to gaining fat around the belly. One of the best ways to beat belly fat is to get enough sleep.

  1. Short bursts of exercise:

Short bursts of explosive workouts are very effective in reducing the belly fat. Try sprinting every day if you have age on your side. This explosive workout involves a number of muscles and you will be surprised to see how sprinting replaces your abdominal fat with blocks of muscles faster than you can think. In fact, sprinting is way better than jogging for belly fat reduction.

  1. Try developing an aversion towards sugar:

sugary foods

You can eliminate 80 % of your belly fat by controlling your diet. Sugar is your number one enemy in this matter. Its consumption builds up unwanted calories. Try replacing sugar intake by taking more of protein, whole grains and vegetables. They will work wonder on your belly fat and induce trimmer appearance.

  1. Cut carbs from your diet:

Cutting on carbs from your diet is a very good way to reduce abdominal fat. Carb makes more harm than consuming fat and in fact eating carb contributes to about twice your belly fat than consuming fat. If you sacrifice carb, you will feel less hungry reducing your overall food intake.

  1. Consume food loaded with fibers:

Consume food loaded with fibers

Eating fibrous food will help you reduce belly fat. Vegetables and fruits have generous quantities of fibers for that matter. However, only viscous fibers help mitigating abdominal fat.

  1. Try to measure your regular food intake:

Try to keep a track record of how much you are consuming. Is it more than what you really require? It depends upon your lifestyle and physical activity. It also depends upon your health and physical make. It is best to consult a physician to determine how much calorie intake is appropriate for you.

Fat accumulation around belly sometimes becomes uncontrollable. This can be reduced to a great extent through simple changes in lifestyle and growing awareness of the causative factors.

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