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China does world's second face transplant

Chinese doctors have performed a partial face transplant on a Mr. Li, a victim of a bear attack. The operation was performed at the Xijing Hospital, a military facility in the northwestern city of Xian. Now China became only the second country to report a successful face transplant.

The name of the donor was not revealed. The hospital only said that the donor had been declared brain dead before the operation was performed. Doctors fitted in a new right cheek, upper lip and nose on Mr Li’s face. The Xijing Hospital released a post-operative picture showed Mr Li with a tube in his mouth and his face covered with surgical scars.

Last year French surgeons had performed a similar surgery on a 38-year-old Frenchwoman named Isabelle Dinoire. It was reported that a 11-year-old Chinese girl named Liu Fangyuan would be the next patient to get a face transplant. Three American clinics that were planning to perform such procedures said that they had received a flood of applications.


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