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Children more likely to suffer asthama and hay fever if mother’s had low-fat yoghurt during pregnancy


Pregnant women who eat low-fat yoghurt can increase the risk of their child developing asthma and hay fever, a study says. At the European Respiratory Society conference, researchers will suggest this could be due to an absence of protective fatty acids in yoghurt.

The diets of more than 70,000 Danish women were analysed and their children followed until the age of seven. Pregnant women who ate low-fat yoghurt with fruit once a day were found to be 1.6 times more likely to have children who developed asthma by age seven, compared with children of women who did not eat low-fat yoghurt.

The study also found that the children of these women were more likely to have allergic rhinitis (hay fever) and current asthma symptoms. But the results showed that milk intake during pregnancy was not linked to any increased risk of asthma.

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