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Smart trainer gadgets to give you an edge in the gym

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Technology has been changing lives swiftly for everybody. In this dynamic technological scenario, you should also not stay behind in taking advantage of varied technologies. If you are a sportsperson or sports enthusiast, then various technological gadgets can specially alter your lifestyle and skills considerably.

Thus, gain more knowledge about the kinds of tech devices that can help you excel in life and make you a winner. Here we discuss a few examples of trainer gadgets that are developed for sportspeople or those who take up sports activities on a regular basis.

Sensoria Fitness Socks

Sensoria Fitness Socks

Do you know that you can damage the tissues and muscles in your legs and feet if you do not run properly? Yes, it is important to be aware of this fact if you are a regular runner. However, there is a solution to improve your running technique and make it perfect in case you cannot pay hefty fees to a running coach.

This solution comes in the form of Sensoria fitness socks. This wearable includes a special pair of socks attached with an anklet. The sensors in this device track your foot striking position and running style. Thus, the device performs a real-time analysis and offers you custom coaching to correct your run on various factors. It is a great way to run right and healthy.



This wearable gadget helps you monitor your heart rate on a constant basis throughout the day and night. When you train yourself through a fitness session, it becomes important to track your heart rate so you may understand how your body has been performing against other times during the day.

If you gain an insight, it may not only help you improve your performance, but may also let you avoid several health risks. FitlinxxAmpStrip is a convenient, precise and smart way to do that tracking. It is a thin, waterproof strip that can be worn on your torso comfortably for hours.

Dr Prem Tech and Web Services

Amiigo Bracelet

Amiigo Bracelet

You may know about various wearable gadgets that track your fitness on varied factors. Amiigo bracelet is one such wearable, but is quite high in quality and accuracy. It measures different types of exercises, as well as your heart rate, sets and reps done, calories burned, and duration, intensity, and speed of training.

This device can also track your skin temperature and oxygen levels. You can use this device is many custom ways to track the factors and exercises you want. Thus, it is a wonderful way to stay fit on a daily basis because you receive proper feedback from the analyzed data on your smartphone app and it can be used to make improvements in your workout.

Jolt Sensor

Jolt Sensor

Jolt is a sensor clip that is designed to keep a check on concussions and certain kinds of head injuries in athletes. If that happens, then this wearable clip detects it immediately and informs about it to the coaches and parents of the athlete. It is an amazing way to save several lives that may not be saved otherwise due to lack of symptom detection.

Hexoskin Biometric Smart Shirt

Hexoskin Biometric Smart Shirt

Hexoskin has come out with a range of biometric smart shirts that can keen a sportsperson warm in extremely cold environments. This smart garment can also track the person’s basic body metrics, such as heart rate, activity level, steps taken, calories burned, breathing, acceleration, and sleep. Its smart sensors make this kind of a shirt an advanced fitness tracker.

Using various types of tech gadgets and wearables, sportspeople can bring a significant improvement to their performance levels, as well as their own health and fitness. Technology can help a great deal in enriching the lives of sports enthusiasts.

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