Gyrophone app:Review

Gyrophone app:Review
Grow with Dr Prem

An Israeli defense firm called Rafael has helped Stanford University researchers in developing a new app called Gyrophone. This app can turn a smartphone into a gadget for spying.


The Gyrophone app can work on Android devices. The way it works is by picking up some sound vibrations. The gyroscope of a phone has pressure plates that vibrate. This app is designed to catch these vibrations in order to catch sounds. The base frequencies of human voice range between 80 and 250 Hz.

The Gyrophone app is efficient enough to catch all frequencies within this range. Additionally, it is very much possible to measure acoustic signals around a phone. This happens with the help of MEMS gyroscopes that most modern smartphones come equipped with. These gyroscopes are sensitive enough to perform this task. Thus, the app performs quite well by processing these received signals.


Dr Prem Tech and Web Services

This app is highly useful for regular spying. The chances are less that you will miss a conversation continuing in your phone’s vicinity. The range of frequencies caught by this app is sufficient for effective spying, as this range covers all human voices. Since this app can even process partial signals, you may receive substantial information about the speaker. The app can be useful for people who are into investigation professions, such as detectives. However, other users may also use it effectively to clear their doubts regarding some people and their activities.

Ease of use:

It is very simple to download and use this app on any Android phone. The Gyrophone app uses information collected by your phone itself. Thus, it immediately turns your phone into a spy gadget. If you are using this app, then you do not need any other recording or signal processing equipment with your phone.


This new spy app works on the concepts of machine learning and signal processing. The information received from a phone’s gyroscope is sufficient for spying. This helps in identifying the information about a speaker. This high-quality app is even able to identify the information from broken signals.


The Gyrophone app comes from a credible source, which is a defense firm working in collaboration with a renowned university. Thus, the reputation of the app source cannot be doubted for efficiency and performance. It is an effective app for regular spying.

Dr Prem Tech and Web Services
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