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U.S. to use robots to repair water mains

U.S. to use robots to repair water mains

The U.S. is on the verge of a water supply crisis. The sole reason behind this precipice is the two million miles of aging water mains that are difficult to maintain. In order to deal with the problem, the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Technology Innovation Program for small businesses is investing into a project under which robotic water main repair devices will be developed.

The robotic water main repair devices can work much faster than human crews and are designed to reach inside small pipes as well as the larger human-sized water main. Carbon fiber industry leaders Fibrwrap Construction, Inc. and FYFE Company, along with robotics experts at the University of California, head the project. According to Fibrwrap, the robotic device is capable of placing its carbon fiber material 11 times faster than a human crew, but dealing with old water mains and pipes that are defected, have unusual shapes and uneven surfaces will be a real challenge.

The team will focus on developing sensors that can monitor the contact pressure between the application device and the interior of the water main, and synchronize that with the motion of the robot. The robots would practically eradicate the need to dig thousands of miles of water mains for repair or replacement. In turn, that would cut down on carbon emissions from earth-moving machines and other utility streetwork. This sustainable approach could boost conservation in public water supply systems. The only area where it will not work is the emergence and spread of destructive mining and drilling practices that could contaminate underground aquifers as well as rivers and streams.

Via: CleanTechnica

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