Vegetal City: Ecotecture blends ecology with intricate architecture

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Well, as of now, it’s hard to comprehend if such a tortuous concept, dubbed Vegetal City, will ever see the clear light of day. Meandering archways, green edifices, clean power, aesthetic surroundings and still greener intention to modify present urban world-weariness to an organized future describes what Luc Schuiten’s architecture is all about.

Architect Luc Schuiten calls himself a utopian. So it’s but natural that he believes in perfection, i.e. untainted environs amid progressive human ventures. Accordingly, the imaginary Vegetal City is supposed to envelop modern cities with buildings made from biotextiles. The Lotus City, the Woven City, the Treehouse City and the City of the Waves utilize solar power and are soothing aesthetically. Vegetal City, currently on display in Brussels, flaunts grassy rooftops, safe pedestrian zones and homes created with tree roots. Moreover, leafy projections accommodating buildings and sub-cities are quite impressive and fantastic as well.

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