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Unexplainable and mysterious things that ever happened to an individual

Jean Hilliard statue of ice

Almost all of us have faced something strange in life, there could have been instances which were difficult to explain. Then there are certain people who have faced mysterious things that no one had answers to. Read on to find out what happened to these people that the experts weren’t able to explain.

Rory Curtis

Image Source : Cdn.Images.Express.Co.Uk

In August 2012, this young lad met with a serious accident, which gave him brain injuries and his hipbone was also broken. The blood vessels in his brain had burst and the blood was oozing inside. He remained in a coma for six days and on recovering started speaking fluently in French. The language he had studied way back in school and was never that fluent.

He wasn’t fully recovered from the brain injury and the National Institute for Health Research Surgical Reconstruction and Microbiology Research Centre contacted his family. They gave Curtis an ‘experimental drug’; he started recovering and works as a barber today.

Jean Hilliard

Jean Hilliard statue of ice

Image Source : elitereaders.com

A few days before Christmas Jean Hilliard was returning home from a friend’s house, the icy road caused her car to go in a ditch. Fearing that she might freeze in the car she decided to walk to a friend’s house. The temperature was -2°F, she walked 2 miles and collapsed in the driveway of her friend’s house. For six hours, she laid there and was discovered by her friend in the morning.

The doctors were almost convinced that she would not make it. She had turned in to a statue of ice, the doctors were not even able to take her temperature, her body was that stiff. Almost miraculously, there was movement in her body and she asked for water. After a total of 49 days at the hospital, she recovered completely without even a finger being amputated.

Lisa Reid

Image Source : Emcfresno.Com

All the colors of life had faded away when she lost her eyesight at the young age of 11. One fine November day in 2000, she bent down to kiss her dog Ami goodnight. Her head hit the coffee table in the act and the next morning she was able to see.

There are no explanations for the accident, she was 24 when this happened and now nearing 40. Her happiness was inexplicable as she says, ‘to see the world again visually is a gift’. After the miracle she was too delighted to see her grown up brother and grown older mother.

Miracles like these bring hope to the distressed, especially in the lives of people who have gone through terrible things in life. We are sure you were more than overwhelmed reading about these people.]]>

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