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Biodegradable technology could change the face of our world and electronics

Biodegradable plastics

With so many non-biodegradable items littering all across the plant, we are virtually converting the earth into one vast landfill. The plastic, silicon and glass definitely benefit us in one way, but they also increased the prospects of turning the earth into wasteland. However, the human wisdom has been channelized to take timely stock of the situation to make earth a better place to live.

Here let us discuss some innovative technological innovations undertaken by a few individuals and institutions to help the environment for the betterment of the humanity. These biodegradable innovations in turn is revolutionizing the very technology and changing our concept of living.

Wooden semiconductor chip

Revealed in a paper published in May 2015 issue of journal “Nature Communications” of the University of Wisconsin, Madison, the US, this futuristic design could allow us produce sustainable gadgets without hampering their performance. The paper disclosed the prospects of replacing the base of computer chip with cellulose nanofibrillated fiber (CNF) that is a flexible biodegradable material made out of wood. The conventional synthetic and silicon material used in chips can be dangerous to the environment. So now, even if you carelessly throw away your chip away in the open, it will quickly decompose in the soil, eliminating the risks to the environmental pollution.

Sugar batteries

The conventional rechargeable batteries we use in our electronics and gadgets are harmful to the environment. With little recycling, they fill up land space, causing tremendous strain on our environment. However, it seems that we have a solution to this problem. A research team from Virginia Tech has developed a unique battery that runs on natural sugar, which without any doubt is an astonishing technological innovation.

The sugar compounds in the battery are neither inflammable, nor do they have the risks like getting exploded associated with other batteries. In addition, we can refill these batteries repeatedly once they exhaust to make them last long and ensure better performance.

Biodegradable plastics

Biodegradable plastics 

Researchers at Zurich based Institute of Chemical and Bioengineering in the University of ETH have developed a unique idea of producing biodegradable plastic from organic waste generated from bio-fuels. This is good news for both the sides – the plastic industry as well as the bio fuel industry. The base material for this biodegradable plastic is glycerol that forms about ten percent of bio fuel waste emitted by the bio fuel industry.

Biodegradable electronics

A new electronics manufacturing technology has emerged in University of Illinois in partnership with Tufts University and Northwestern University. The base material for making the electronics is so perishable and safe that it can even dissolve in human body fluids. For example, the ICs of electronics will be made of ultrathin silicon clad in a very thin membrane of silk.

These devises will be able to last from a few minutes to a few years, depending on the thickness of the material used. The technology can revolutionize the medical sciences by producing biodegradable electronic devices that will dissolve inside the body without any side effect.

Transistors from human body protein 

Now this concept will take some time for a few among us to sink in. However, that actually is the reality. The Tel Aviv University, Israel is working on transistors that they will make using milk, mucous and blood. When compared with the silicon made devices, these protein-based gadgets have advantage of being flexible, non-breakable and of course eco friendly. The technology will revolutionize the future microchips, tablets and mobile phones.

Innovative biodegradable technologies once in production will not only eliminate the hazardous waste from the environment but also make them healthier for humans.

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