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Things to consider when your child talks back to you

when your child talks back to you

Out of the many annoying habits and behaviors children display, the habit of talking back is extremely irritating and maddening for parents. Having their child talking back in their face, that too when they are wrong gets on their nerves but many parents do not know the effective way to tackle this situation. If you also do not know those effective ways then read on and find tips on how to correct your child’s habit of talking back.

Define your acceptance and non-acceptance

Before expressing your annoyance, as a parent you must ensure that you first define and convey all the things and behavior you are up to accept from your child, and the behavior that you would never take from them. Once they know this and still behave in a non-acceptable manner, you must show your disagreement whichever way you like.

Empty treats are of no use

Some parents are too kind to punish their kids and they continue giving empty threats to their children every time they misbehave. For instance, when your child talks back you tell him not to repeat this again, or else you will get one tight slap.

The same warning you keep on repeating, and you child keeps on repeating his talking back mannerism. This happens because your child gets a message that no matter he does, he only gets a warning, an empty warning from his parents. However, if your actually start punishing your child, he would not repeat his mistake again, but punishment should always be mild

Do not give them the silent treatment

The silent treatment is something many parents give their children, which is an extremely bad behavior to practice.Whenever a child misbehaves, the mother stops talking to the kid for sometime hoping that the kid would realize his mistake.

However, many children are unable to relate their misbehavior to the silent treatment of their parent and it really makes them uncomfortable. Therefore, never give your child a silent treatment, try to express your anger and discontentment right when they misbehave, your child would understand fast and would leave his habit of talking back.

Be firm and gently set limits around back talk

Parents have to strike a balance between firmness and gentle behavior, which is a key to effective parenting. You should tell your child clearly that you would not accept his disrespectful talks, make him understand that it is no way good people talk to each other. Make your child understand clearly the difference between respectful and disrespectful behavior, the behavior that is accepted and that is not.

Give backtalk consequences

Backtalk consequences are the lessons that parents teach their children every time they talk back, so that they get rid of this habit at the earliest. Parents should not give consequence the first time but they should decide on the consequence the first time their child misbehave, and when he misbehaves the second time that is when you should punish and make them realize.

Do not overreact

If your child is good in other areas of behavior and mannerisms but has recently started to talk back, you should not overreact but try to understand the situation.Find out the reason, and if the condition continues then give some consequences but never overreact in the heat of the moment.

Adolescents often talk back to their parents, as it is a time when they learn to standup for themselves and talk for themselves, so often it comes across as a disrespectful behavior for the parents. Parents should not overreact and should deal with this situation and phase of their parenting in a cool and composed manner.

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