The story of Chilean whales

As the days go by, more and more species are becoming threatened. Recently, the Chilean blue whale has been declared as an endangered species.

Each year a lot of blue whales visit the Gulf of Corcovado in Chile. This particular zone has become an environmental hot zone or a marine conservation area because of the presence of the blue whales. The Chilean whales/ dolphins are mostly found around the Valparaiso area about 33 degrees South.

What threatens these whales?

Well, mostly human activities threaten these blue whales in this region. Here’s the main reasons:

* Increased Chilean population

* Salmon farming and fishing (Whales primary food : fish is getting low in the area)

* Tourism activity in & around the area.

* Direct and incidental catch.

What’s being done to save them?

These cute and harmless creatures with their adorable noises need our protection.
In an effort to protect them, a whale conservation area is developed in Chile.

CONAMA and WWF (World Wildlife Fun) have extended their support.

Island of Chiloe is declared a protected area.

However, despite these measures, the whales are still threatened. I think stricter measures should be taken in order to save these awe inspiring creatures. After all, they are here for us.

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Source Link: Convio

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