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Self-sustaining initiatives: Public Farm One

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A living exhibit of plant life and urban art, Public Farm One (PF1) is a part of PS1 extension of the Museum of Modern Art (MoMa) in Long Island City, New York. And apart from offering an outdoor social space, PFI also grows vegetables, herbs and fruit in a collection of 100% recyclable cardboard tubes that lean over the angular concrete and gravel courtyard. The plants in the project are irrigated naturally through rainwater harvesting while the entire facility is powered by rooftop solar panels. Designers at the WORK Architecture Company planned the growing exhibit using each structural component in a sustainable way with each of the cardboard reinforcements being designed to hold “a different program, from seating to sound environments to a mobile phone charging column and even a juice bar at the farmers market.” Now that’s what I call green innovation!

Source: Good Clean Tech

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